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A Room in The Abadeer House


It was hot today. Really hot. I was panting like a lumping dog for Crowley's sake.

This damn parasol gives me shade and a little bit of cooling, but it's no different to not having it. At least I'm not Gumball in a damn sweater directly under the sun. Like, who the hell wears a sweater in this type of weather?!

We reach the cold, dark caves and I cry out in relief, slinging my parasol off into the distance, I'll have to go back and find it later....

"You'll have to go and-"
"I know." I sigh, regretting my dramatic action.

I kick open my door and allow Gumball in before me. (Yes, I have manners, you should too, man.) Gumball walks in and hesitantly sits on the couch.

"I-it's... Not hard." He rasps out, his eyes wide.

"I got a new couch." I laugh, floating into the kitchen. "Want anything?"

"Whatever you're having." He says, smiling all cheeky and prince-like.

I grab a container of strawberries out of the fridge and plop it on the coffee table in front of him.

"Thank you." He says, keeping his bright smile, his voice still raspy from this morning's events.

I slump into the couch next to him and drain a few strawberries. This was boring. I just... Want to make out with him. But I can't do that. Can I? Could I? Just smack the strawberry out if his hand and practically devour his face? Could I do that?!

No. Crowley, no.

I need to be slow and patient. I flumping lost him last time when I wasn't those two. Crowley, I can't lose Barty again. I just.... Can't.

I stop draining the strawberries and watch Gumball. He takes the smallest bites I've ever seen. He even holds the strawberry with two hands. Two! Why is this so cute to me?

Gumball stops eating and slumps deeper into the couch. We sit there in silence for a moment. Then, he speaks in a horse voice.

"Are you flammable?"
"Aren't we all?"
"But you're a vampire."
"You're supposed to be more flammable than other creatures, right?" He asks.

"I guess so." I grunt, scratching my neck. "I never really thought about that kind of vampire stuff."

"Not allergic, just really gross."
"Mirrors and cameras?"
"I show up, Dingus." I laugh, poking his nose. He crinkles it in response.

"What about those cool powers you have?" He asks, his eyes wide.

"I thought you knew this stuff." I laugh.

"I do. But you're better than books."
"Um, thanks?" I laugh again.

"Soul eating."
"I gained certain powers from certain vampires by sucking their souls after I slain them." I inform him, grabbing a strawberry.

"So... What's your power?" He asks, his eyes practically bulging out of his head.

"Dunno, never really thought about it."
"You're a thousand years old! You've had so much time to think about this!" He squeaks.

"Actually, I'm a thousand and six." I grunt, pretending to push glasses up my nose. Gumball laughs and crawls closer to me.

"Seriously, what do you think you have.?" He asks.

"I honestly don't know. Good looks? Talent? Those are powers, right?" I shrug, Gumball shakes his head.

"No. Those aren't powers. Those are qualities, Marsh." He tuts.

"I get dumb when we talk about junk like this!" I groan, throwing my arms into the air.

Gumball tries to laugh.

"We'll figure out your power someday."

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now