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The Candy Streets

Marshall Lee

I don't know how, but Barty somehow managed to get me out of the house. He decided that we would stroll through the kingdom tonight when it was dark enough for me to not be weighed down by a parasol.

"There's going to be lights and decorations and junk!" He said excitedly, squeezing my hand as we approached the Candy Kingdom Gates.

"Why?" I asked, kicking up a glob of snow.

"It's so pretty during this time of year, so we always go all out! I thought you knew that, we do this every year!" He said, nudging me a little.

"I'm never out as much during this time, I'm either in the Nightosphere with my mom or finding some place warm." I shrug.

"You still visit your mom?" He laughed, knowing that we had some "Mother-Son" issues.

"We've worked things out, I guess." I sighed, shrugging. "We just like to have some Mother-Son time when it gets cold."

"Why when it gets cold?"

"Cause when my dad was still around, we would do this thing where we would give each other gifts and we would eat a whole bunch. There were lots of lights and decorations too. If we were lucky, Mom would come with a crap load of gifts and food."

"Why gifts and food?"

"It was something most humans did as a tradition. It was called a holiday."

"A holiday?"

"Yeah. There were tons of them. My favourite was this one where people would dress up as monsters and go to people's houses for candy."

"Marshall, that's freakin' weird."

"It was great!" I laughed, throwing my hands up. "Man, I wish they were still around. All the food and candy...."

"Was it really like that?" Barty asked, his eyes wide.

"Oh yeah. It was great." I said again.

When we arrived at the gates, the Banana Guards nodded at us and cleared the way for us to enter. It was very crowded.

"We're the only kingdom that does this." He smiled. "So it's usually really crowded with other kingdoms on the first night."

"Why can't they do this themselves?" I shuddered.

"All the other princes don't have access to the technology I was able to create for the decorations and lights." He snooted, which earned a snort from me.

"You need technology for ribbons?" I laughed.

"Ugh, no, Marshall, you'll see." He groaned, taking my hand once more.

We entered the square where it was lit up the most. Everyone was so distracted by the lights that no one realized that their sexy prince and his smoking babe of a boyfriend was nearby.

"Aren't they pretty?" Barty swooned.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug.

Marshall Lee and Prince GumballWhere stories live. Discover now