chap 2: Busted...again (jordans pov)

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BOnJOur my little puppets:) so heres chapter two, its in the present, and in jordans view. srry its short i wanted to write this before i had to leave with my friends. my school is having their annual volleyball game students vs teacher;) its not edited,  so exppect alot of mistakes. oh n have anyone watch the new girl on fox yet? becuase u should check it out it halrious! so...anyway


Chapter 2 (jordans pov)

I was running, the police were running. And in two seconds I was caught, cuffed and hauled to the back of the police car.  This would be my 5th time getting arrested, and each time it gets more annoying. The last two times I got out with a warning, probably because my brother Chris is a cop, and he pulled a couple of strings.

I was sitting on the metal bed, in my holding cell. The full impact of what happened tonight hit me head on. I was in the middle of a drug buy, my dealer wanted to meet someplace new, since he got busted last week at the usual spot. So there I was standing next to him, I handed him a twenty. The winter was ending so it wasn’t as chilly, but I was still wearing a coat just in case my dealer was late again. He was just handing me the bag, when the blue and red lights burst through the corner. We both ran, as if the devil was chasing us. I was faster than my dealer, so I was beating him by a couple of feet. He would be the one who would get busted since he was the slowest, and I think he knew that since he grabbed the edge of my jacket and swung me on the ground. I fell on my side, I hopped back up but he kicked me in the ribs knocking the air out of my lungs. I watched him run further down the alley, until he disappeared. The air rushed back into me, I chocked blood up, and started running again ignoring the pain, but it was too late.

I leaned against the bed, staring at the concrete wall. I heard my brother and the cops discussing my punishment. The last time I got arrested my brother told me that the next time I end back here; he told me I would be sent to juvy to finish the rest of my senior year. I didn’t believe him, but I’m starting too.

An hour later, Chris and Officer Davy –who was old enough to be my grandfather-, came to my cell. “Jordan, me and Officer Davy, came to a reasonable deal. You’re not going to juvy” I jumped off the bed waiting for them to unlock the door, so I can go home. Chris gave me a look that stated that I was an idiot.

Officer Davy continued “You’re not going to juvy if you agree to the conditions”

“If it gets me the hell out of here, I’ll agree to anything”

Officer Davy chuckled he has always like me better then Chris. Since Officer Davy didn’t have any grandkids he treated me like part of the family. We even invite him to diners with us. And it wasn’t weird because I treated him more like my grandfather then my grandfathers. The first time I got caught with drugs they wanted nothing to do with me, they moved to some old nursing home in Florida, and probably told their friends that they only had one grandchild named Chris, for all I know.

Officer Davy looked at me closely “You better because I don’t want to see your lousy behind in here again, do u understand?” he was serious now.

I nodded “Got it so that’s all I got to do? Promise not to get caught again?” I joked.

Chris face turned angry, and Officer Davy’s expression was one of disappointment.

Chris said through clenched teeth, he practically hissed “Jordan, this is not funny. These are the conditions. One, you need to quit. There’s no if and or buts. If you get caught, you’re gone, and I’m not saving you.” He waited for me to nod, and continued “secondly, to make sure you’re following these conditions you’ll meet with a parole Officer every week, starting next week. And lastly, you have to go to a different school every week until you completed twelve meetings. That’s twelve schools that you have to talk about what drugs did to you. You won’t be doing this alone, there’s a group called T.I.T. which your now part off” 

Officer Davy laughed at my expression; I was trying to hold on to my laughter. I can picture me now, “Hi! My name is Jordan and I belong with the tit group”

Apparently Chris didn’t think it was funny, but Officer Davy -who’s full name was David Davy, his parents were sick people- gave me a knowing wink. “T.I.T. stands for Teens IN Trouble, so do you accept or would you rather go to juvy for 6 months?”

I decided to piss my brother even more “Well, both offers sound like a dream come true but-“

Chris cut me off “He agrees” he was giving me a hard look; I sighed and yet again nodded. Chris saw me sigh in defeat and he softened “Jordan, you just have to go to one school a week, for twelve weeks. You have it easy right now; some kids have to go to up to fifty weeks, two meetings a week”

I was released, while Chris and David worked on my papers.

I sat in the lobby waiting for Chris to bring me back to the house. I can’t really call it a home, since it’s not. Only I and Chris live in it. My dad left last year -before I got into the drugs- he was caught having an affair with his co worker. And well, he couldn’t really keep the affair secret since he knocked her up. So they both moved to California, as far as they could from us, and married. After the divorce my mom was heartbroken, she never saw it coming. After the weeks past, my mom decided she couldn’t take it anymore. She packed up her bags, left a five-hundred thousand check –which was all the savings she had- on the counter along with a note, saying how she loves us but she can’t deal with her life and she needs to start fresh, signed I’ll always be your mother. So basically my mom left us. My dad doesn’t give a shit. And I’m living with my twenty-six year old brother, who’s a cop.

My brother drove me home in silence. Silence meant he’ll deal with me later; he’s too pissed for words. We arrived at the house; Chris dropped me off and went back to work, even before I had the key into the door. I went into the kitchen, the note from my mom almost a year was still there lying on the counter. I always hoped she’ll come back, take the note crumple it up, and throw it in the trash. But she hasn’t yet, I have no idea where she is, for all I know she could be dead face down in a ditch near Las Vegas.

I pulled out frozen pizza, and went up to my room. I had boxes of trophies in my room that I won during football games, since I quit I just packed it all up and threw it in boxes shoved in the corners. I fell asleep feeling abandoned and lonely that night, as usual.


So remenber to please comment, i want to no wat u think of the story so far, and who should play Fierce? n shes coming up in the next chapter. LAter turkey legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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