Part 4

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I woke up smelling the amazing smell of sizzling bacon. It smelled just like how mom used to make hers. Without thinking i quickly made my way out of the bed and followed the addictive smell of bacon not caring that i was just in a t-shirt or if my hair is a mess. I followed the scent all the way to the kitchen until i saw Xavier with what looks like pancake mix and a spatula. My eyes searched around the kitchen until i spotted a large pile of bacon on a plate and a plate of scrambled eggs beside it. My feet quickly scurried to the pile of bacon and grabbed one stuffing it in my mouth. As the mouth watering bacon touched my mouth i moaned out in delight which made Xavier quickly turned around.
I was so lost into the bacon i didn't even care if he was staring. I ate two more until i finally looked at him and asked, "who taught you to cook like this?"

"Your grandma and next time you come into the kitchen make a sound other than moaning. You scared me shit less  for a second  i taught it was my drunk ass fath-, "he was saying but suddenly cut himself off.

"Your drunk ass who?" i asked curiously.

"uh-huh nobody, "he replied.
Even though I knew he was talking about his dad i didn't push him for answers because he looked like he wasn't ready to go down that memory lane any time soon.

" I'm sorry i sneaked up and scared you, "i apologized.

" Its okay but don't steal my bacons that's rude and you are taking all the the good ones, "he exclaimed and i laughed at his expression which made him angry. He started walking towards me with his hands raised and an angry expression on his face. When he got closer and raised his hands a little higher i flinched back.

This movement caught him off guard because his expression suddenly turned worried.

"Why did you flinched? "he asked and i shook my head.

" Did u taught i was-i was going to hit you? "he asked in a quiet voice which i just nodded my head saying yes.

" lex i will never hit you. I would never even lay a finger on you. I was just playing when I had on the angry expression because I didn't want you to know that i was going to tickle you.. I-I'm sorry if i made it seem like i was going to hit you. Do you really see me as the abusive kind? "he asked with a hurt expression. I knew I couldn't make him think like that so i did the unexpected. I hugged him. In any different situation i would be jumping and squealing about being so close to his amazing body but this is just one of those peaceful moments. He was stiff for a moment but then immediately relaxed wrapping his muscular arm around me

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to think like that but i know mag told u about what happened to me but that's not everything... I-i was just scared that's all, "i reassured him and he nodded.

" Now lets finished the breakfast and get ready to go in town, "he said his cocky attitude coming back. We detached ourselves from each other and he went to go finish cooking the pancakes.

" do you know how to make fresh orange juice? "he asked me.

" uhm no, "i replied.

" well I'm going to teach you, "he said and in return i groaned.

After minutes of him teaching me how to make fresh orange juice, coffee and tea breakfast was finally ready.
We served all the food on the table which consists of scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes, sausage and bacons along with the orange which was poured out in a beautiful glass jug, the coffee in a coffee pot and the tea in a glass tea pot. When everything was ready Xavier to go get grandma. When she arrived we said our morning prayers and dug in to our breakfast talking about simple things.

It was now 11 and i was getting ready to go into town with Xavier. Deciding that i should actually look nice today i found the prettiest thing in my closet which a simple  red summer dress and my worn out torn slippers. I brushed my reddish brownish hair making it fall in loose curls and place it over one shoulder. Deciding that this is the best i can do i made my way downstairs to see my grandma in the couch reading.

"hey grandma, "i said plopping down on the couch beside hers.

" hello sweetheart you look nice today, "she said. I don't know if she was just trying to be sweet because i knew i was nothing close to looking nice.

" grandma you don't have to lie, i know i don't look nice because I know if i stand next to any other girl i would look like a disaster next to them because of the way i am dressed, "i replied with a bit of jealousy in my voice. Why does bad things happens to me and not any one else? What did i ever do to deserve the life i used to live? Why couldn't my dad just been loving and not abusive? Why couldn't i get good clothes and shoes like any normal teen?

"sweetheart you look way better than the girls out there now because they wear i really short clothes but you look like how i young ladies suppose to look. Don't worry you soon will gave anything you need, plus your going clothes and grocery shopping today so i don't see the problem, "she replied honestly.

" your wasting your money just to buy clothes for me? "i asked with a sad smile.

" its not wasting it's for good cause and your my grand daughter I was suppose to be spoiling you from you were little but now I got the chance so go Xavier's in the garage waiting, " she pushed me gentle to the door.

" thank you for everything grandma, "i said as i closed the door and walked to what looked like a garage. Upon reaching the garage i saw a car driving out and Xavier call me over pulling the passenger door for me to enter.

The drive into town was a small one because we quickly got there and my my was it crowded. We got out and headed for the mall and went into every store buying everything that i needed like clothes and shoes with Xavier occasionally making a comment about which looked nice and which looked hideous and boring. After our trip it was getting late so we decided to go to the car to put down the bags although it wasn't us carrying them, then drive to the supermarket. Me being me wasn't looking where i was going and walked right into a man which was far away from the car and Xavier was no where in site. How did i reach here?

"Move out of my fucking way you bitch!! "he yelled.

" excuse you who are you calling a bitch asshole! "i screamed at him. The expression that clouded his face was murderous. He held me by my hair and dragged me into what looked like an alley and threw me against the wall.

" what did you call me bitch? "he asked through gritted teeth. Where the hell is Xavier when i need him? Help me!

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