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"What a dick" said jack.
I explained to them my previous experience with Michael. I didn't realize how rude he actually was until then.

"I know right like I'm not going after that" I put my foot down.

" ugh Michael just messed it up for all of us " said joe. "Please go everyone's going and his house is awesome its gonna be like freaking crazy" she explained.
I didn't care how amazing his house was I wasn't gonna go to some guys party who's literally just gonna get all of us drunk on a school night!

" well I think you should show up to the bastards house and show him that you don't give a fu- fudge what he said or thinks" said Nez. He cracks me up he would always put random words in not trying to cuss even though he always does.

"Mhm I don't think so I'm staying home and anyway who would take Aden to school you guys?" I asked. Everyone just stayed quiet.

I knew they noticed I pretty much took care of him and they didn't want to bring it up. I know it's annoying them how mother like I am with him but they don't understand I have to be; my dad works to much, my mom isn't here, Aden is all I have and I'm all he has we're a package deal kind of. I just wish they would understand I feel like it's making us all distant. Maybe this party will bring us back and I only have two years I might as well make the most of it.

"You know what guys you're right I'm gonna go and get wasted out of my mind and have a hella good time lets go to this party!" I chanted they all screamed in awe of me actually saying yes! They were pretty excited. Anything to keep them close.


Later that day I got home and dad was there cooking dinner he usually always picks up Aden from school, so I don't have to. We're just both trying to adjust and I think we're doing a heck of a job. I walk into the kitchen and smell Mac and cheese one of Aden's favorites.

"Hey dad how's your day been?"

"Hey Dylan it's been good sweetie but I have something to talk to you about though" probably mom called early to say hi.

"Okay what's up" I sat at the counter that was facing the kitchen.

"It's about your mom" I guessed. " she wanted me to tell you that she's gonna stay down in Texas for the next couple months"

Of course she never put us first we don't even need her at this point at least we know she's coming back.

"Why has she been in Texas?" I asked.

"Well she's been with her new boyfriend Dylan" he said looking down.


"Wait dad no please don't tell me you and mom are getting a divorce" I burst out in tears. She lied to me and Aden saying it was business. How could she just leave us.

"Sweetheart she had an affair I just wasn't making her happy enough I'm sorry it's my fault honey I should've been here" he explained.

But he is here he hasn't given up on us like she did. He can't make her the victim she's the one who left. She was cheating. I hate her. I hate her. How do you do that to your own kids? How do you do that too your husband of the last 18 years.

"This is her fault dad you're here now she's not apart of this family anymore." I run up to my room crying. I can't believe this, why would she do this to me. To Aden. To dad.

I got on my phone and blocked her on everything. I didn't want any communication with her what so ever. She ruined this family but little does she know we don't need her here anymore. As far as I know she's completely dead to me.

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