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Storms were common here. Everyday waking up to a somewhat dark sky and rain everywhere so my hair stayed in a messy bun 98% of the time. My Mom usually wakes me up but she left two weeks ago for a so called business trip who knows. She never told my dad when she left so were all just rolling with punches for now.

My dad owns Two family company's that my late Great grandfather passed down to my grandfather and my dad helps run it. My mom was an interior designer which was what I want to be. High school is going by pretty fast I just started junior year a couple months ago so I think I'm doing pretty good where I'm at right now.

Its kind of haunting to think I only have these two years and its all over you know. like the past 16 years of my life have been dedicated to this hell hole and finally its all gone. My mom said I am tougher than she ever was and that I needed to stay strong for the next couple years till I can be on my own.

I wake up a little late so I rush to go get my little brother Aden up he was only four years old and has to go to school he told me "school isn't cool anymore Dylan" I just laughed and sat him up. He started school a little early and the other kids pick on him but I think he will be just fine he is a really brilliant kid for just being four he is the most important thing to me next to my dad and mom.

"Aden come on I'm going to get you dressed then you go brush your teeth and get a yogurt for lunch were running late I really need you to hurry" I said getting him up and making him stand on his own. usually its mom doing this but she hasn't been here and dad is busy enough so I guess its my responsibility now.

While Aden brushes his teeth I go and grab some shorts and a grey hoodie with some white high top converse and go down stairs to grab my bag and keys. My dad got me a hummer for my birthday I know it was sweet of him but now trying to haul Aden everywhere is beginning to get stressful but I cant complain.

I finally get Aden in the car seat and drive off his school was twenty minutes or so away from my school so its hell trying to be on time. I could care less about me being on time its more him. I only have two years left they cant tell me to hurry up I mean I would lose no sleep over them getting me in trouble for being late.

"Dylan why can I not go to the school you go to" ask Aden. He was a curious kid but it was so cute he reminded me so much of my dad it was comforting.

"well Aden you know how sissy is older than you" he nodded his head and a little mhm agreeing with what I said. " Well since I am older I started school a long time ago"

He didn't give me any response he just played with his transformer toy and kept quiet. I finally pulled up to his school, and quickly get out of the car kiss his forehead and said goodbye and headed to school. High school was never like I pictured it. Lets just say that high school musical was full of shit.

I park and walk in we had ten minutes till class started so I could somewhat socialize with my friends for a little bit. I walk in the cafeteria and see Lidia, Jack, Nez and Joe. Lidia and jack were that once couple in school that walked around like they were glued together it was really annoying and nasty but I love them both. Joe was my Best friend and has been since 3rd grade when we realized we both had boy names even tho we were girls. Nez is my perfect, fabulous gay best friend. I couldn't do life without him. I walk to the table we have sat at since freshman year.

" baby girl you look like you just got hit by a bus but you make it look good" says Nez as I take a seat next to him.

"thanks remind me to get hit by a bigger bus next time" I say making us all laugh.

"So I hear that there is going to be a crazy ass party a Michael Kid's house" says Lidia, of course she knew about this she was at every single party with Jack getting wasted every weekend.

"so who is all going to go though?" I asked.

"hopefully all of us" said Joe she always went to party's I have to think of Aden first maybe once mom comes back hopefully after this week.

"y'all know my mom has been gone for almost 3 weeks I have to watch Aden" I said taking a bite into my apple that I picked up on the way out to the car this morning.

" come on I know for a fact you're dad will take one day off he is way to understanding to not" says Joe.

" Also I need someone to drive me and you got a car" laughed Nez. He still wont drive after he almost wrecked getting food last year. I told him to wait till he gets home to eat but he didn't wanna listen.

" Fine we will see what happens" I just said that so they would bug me but maybe a party is what I need.

The bell rang for first period and here we go starting another day at hell.


The bell rang for lunch and just a few steps away from me was Michael Kid. I walked up to him I was just going ask him info about his party since my friends only told me that I was going. He looked like he was from California he had perfect skin and a surfer body He some what dressed up every day but you could tell it wasn't dressed up to him.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned around with gorgeous dark blue eyes. " Hey so a couple of my friends are going to your party and they're trying to get me to go but i didn't want to go without asking you first" I just somewhat ranted.

"its at my house this Thursday everyone is invited so just come whenever" he answered.

"wait this Thursday like tomorrow see I have a baby brother that has to be at school and so do I" I claimed.

"well seems like you're busy so don't come simple as that" I was surprised how rude he was hot and rude isn't cute.

"well I was going to come but now I know you're an ass thanks for making my decision for me" i rolled my eyes and waked to the lunch yard to find Nez and them.

I wasn't going to go I need to be responsible right?


A/N: just winging it here hope you like....

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