Chapter 7

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Fred's POV

I am now sweating like hell because of this guy

He had necklace that says 'BUNNY' and because of that I think he likes rabbits

A freaking hot girl sat down beside the guy Im supprised she isn't scared

If I wasn't courting Candy I would totally tap that

She then looked at us and laughed

"How many kilometers did you guys run and you are sweating like that? Oh now I know" she looked at Candy's brother "its because of him isn't it" then she laughed again

"Shut up" he told her coldly

"Oh stop being a baby Bear Candy is already 19 turning 20 ...but if you want to do this its ok its none of my buisness"she then laugh and stood up

"Uhmm..nice meeting you and all but I have some buisness to take care of" then she hurriedly went outside and went in an ally




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