Chapter 11

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Rose's POV

We have been in the gym for abbout 2 hours now and I am not even that pump

"Hey there" one of Bear's new recruite smiled seductivly at me

"Walk away if you don't want to get hurt" I said throwing a punch at the punching bag

I know what would happen next if he wouldn't leave this isn't the first time someone had flirted with me and dosen't leave me alone even when I tell them to go away and let me tell you it dosen't end well

"Why do you want me to leave?" He asked getting closer

"Because if you don't you will be in the hospital" I told him throwing another punch

"Your not gonna hurt me are you?" He asked getting closer with a pout

"No I won't......." throwing another punch

"Well then we don't have a problem do we?" He said putting his hands on my waist from behind

I stopped punching and turned around

"Well, you know we do" I said

"And what is that?" He said leaning close to my face

"Him" I said pointing to the punching bag that Bear has been leaning on the whole time

"Uu-um....b-bo-oss" he said stepping away from me far away from me I could tell that he was nervous

Bear pushed himself off of the punching bag and stood beside me putting his hands around my waist

"Let's talk outside shall we" he stated having a murderous look in his eyes

"Y-yes sir" he said following bear outside

I went back to punching the bag then I saw I guy wearing black who was not far away where I was . Even with hiss shades on I could tel that he was looking at me

I stopped punching the bag and drank water pretending I didn't see him then I put my water bottle down and got my towel to wipe myself . After a few minuites he walked out of the gym

I put the towel down and started following the guy but I kept my distance so he wouldn't see me

When I got close enough I pulled him into an alley and slam him into a wall

"Why were you following me" I asked still not letting go of the guy

"Because I was told to" he said

"Who told you to?" I asked now starting to choke him

"I can't tell you" ge said while coughing

"And why not?" I asked looseningmy grip so he could talk

"Because you'll find out in time" he said

"Stop playing games ang just tell me!" I screamed at him

"Just kill me cause you won't get anything out of me" he said still coughing ,I had titened my grip again

"Don't think that I can't kill you but I won't kill you cause I'll get my answers" I tightened my grip until he fainted

I called Bear and told him the guy and he said he'll said a man over, true enough a man came after 2 minuites and got the man's body

When I got inside the gym I was instantly scolded by Blade

"What the hell were you thinking going after him alone, you should have waited for me!" He shouted angrily at my face

"Im fine and I can handle it, besides if I waited for you we could have lost him" I told him picking my bag up

"Don't act so carelessly" he said following me outside the gym

"The important thing is I caught him, Im not hurt and it's over so just let it go"

"Let it go, you expect me tk just let it go?" He asked me slamming the car door

"Obviously" I said getting irritated

"Why can't you be careful for once" he said seeming irritated

"Oh come on I have killed people,had a gunfight plenty of times and thi?" I said reffering to the situation " The hell this was just nothing" I told him

"Whatever, you should have just waited for me"

"Fine Im sorry already I wont do it again" I said raising my hands for effect

"Doubt it"

"Just let it go already" I said already tired of this conversation

Haha Im sorry it was long and boring I can't think of anything else so I just typed randomly


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