Chapter 10

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Rose's POV

"I am so tired" I whined

I was doing  a lot of paper work in my office and my hand hurts like hell

There was a knock on the door and I groaned,I sat straightley and continued on my work

"Come in" I said in a buisness manner

My secretary Lilly stood inftont of my desk with a letter in hand

"Ma'am this is for you" she said placing the letter on my table,she then bowed and left my office

I opened the letter

And it was about how I am invited to a ball in Korea

I putted the letter down and continued on with my work


Me and Bear just got home and I am freaking bored so I decided to watch Smurf

"Lala lalala sing a happy song,lala lalalala sing a happy song" I shout/sing at the top of my lungs

"What the hell,shut up!" Bear shouted getting in our room

"No" I said stubbornly and continued to sing

"Bunny the hell shut up!" He said getting more irritated

I quickly shut up on what he did next..........I'm sure you could guest what he did but I'll tell you anyways.......he kissed me

"Yeah fine,so.....???????" Blushing a little

"So what?" He asked clearly pleased

"So........." I repeat

"So what?" He asked starting to get irritatated

"So..." I said trying to annoy him

"So what the f***!?" He shouted clearly annoid

"Haha...ok fine its about the freaking ball in Korea" I told him trying to hide my laughter

"What about the ball ,love?" He asked calming down

"Well,are we going?" I asked him hoping he will say 'no'

"Yes" he said looking at me that says 'that-is-final-so-don't-argue'look

"Do we have too?" I whined hoping that he will change his mind

"Yes and that's final" he said pecking my cheek wich made me blush again

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