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I hope you all enjoy!

I went inside and saw my mother setting supper on the table. I sat down beside my father while my mother made my plate. "So, honey, how would you like to go hunting with your old man", he smirked and my mother stopped moving. "Henry, I told you that it's not right for her", my mother responded. "MARY, LET HER DECIDE", my father yelled at my mother and she continued making our plates. "So, Red, what do you say", he had a cheap smile on his face. "Daddy, aren't I too young to hold a gun", he looked confused. "Aren't you nine", he asked. I felt like crying. He doesn't even know how old I am. "I'm five", I mumbled to myself but he seemed to hear. "Whatever, age don't matter", he rolled his eyes. "Plus I don't like killing animals", I said quietly. "Well killing puts the food on the table sweetie, so when I'm gone someone's gotta put the food on the table", my father chuckled.

   My mother put our plates in front of us and sat down beside my father and I. "I told you that she'd say no", my mom stated. "Mary shut up", my father instructed. "Our daughter has a bad figure in her life and it sure isn't me", she frowned. "ARE YOU SAYING THAT I'M A BAD PARENT", he yelled at her again. "No I'm just saying that you need to control your anger issues or it's gonna rub off on Red", my mother spoke softly not flinching at my fathers yelling.

   I quickly ate most of my food then stuffed the rest in my pocket. I helped my mom with the dishes then grabbed some bandages. I quickly ran out the door, towards the edge of the forest, and saw that the wolf was still there, waiting for me. Once he saw me his head shot straight up and a smile appeared on his face.

   I sat beside him and gave him the food from my pocket. While he was eating I bandaged up his wound. "There you go, all better", I smiled. He looked at me, confused, then looked at his paw. He looked back up at me then smiled again. "Thank you", he said.

Hope you all enjoyed!


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