\/\/The Wolf\/\/

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I hope you all enjoy!

5 years later

   The wolf and I became really good friends. Of course I was shocked when I heard wolf talk to me, I thought that I was crazy! We talked pretty much every day and I got used to it. He told me that his name was Lucas and that he was an outcast that had been living alone his whole life. I told him about how my dad was a heartless monster and how he tried to get me to hunt animals. We grew up together but he stayed hidden when I was away.

   "Red! Can you come here", my mother hollered. "I'll be right back", I assured Lucas and ran inside to see what my mother needed. When I got inside I saw my mother packing a basket with her baked goods and medical supplies. When she saw me she smiled.

   "I need you to take this to grandma's. She's very sick and she wants you to visit her", she hands me my red hood and the basket. "You remember the way to grandma's house, right?", she asked. "Yep", I smiled. "Okay then you know that it's dangerous. Be safe honey and be back before dark", she kissed my forehead and I went on my way. I followed the path in front of our house that lead into the dark forest. I took a deep breath then headed into the darkness.

   After a long while of walking I was starting to get scared. I was hearing all types of weird noises, that I've never heard before. Then I heard a howl. "Lucas?", I spoke into the darkness. Then I started to here multiple howls, coming closer and closer. Suddenly a brown coated wolf popped out of the bushes growling at me, then I realized I was surrounded by a pack of wolves.

This is it for me. I closed my eyes and waited for the wolves to attack me. But they didn't. I opened my eyes and saw that I was being protected by the one and only Lucas himself. The alpha wolf of the group challenged him. I watched as Lucas launched himself at the alpha, but the alpha just slashed at him. Lucas managed to get back up but limped as he walked.

I just watched. Feeling helpless. Watching, as my best friend was being picked on. All I could do was hope that Lucas would win. I looked at Lucas and realized that he was getting bigger, like really big really fast. My eyes grew wide when he turned into a werewolf.

   The wolves started backing off whimpering. Then Lucas growled at them and they quickly ran away. Lucas looked at me and smiled but I just stared at him in shock. Then he collapsed...

   Hope you all enjoyed! It's been a while since I published anything so here you guys go. And btw I am not dead...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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