Kaoru *Lemon*

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Ello it's below, please have read the first part of the last chapter to understand this part thx! Also sorry if the smut is well short, I'm really new to it, thou I read alot of it hehehehe!

He suddenly kissed me harder than before, my arms instantly wrapped around his neck and pulled him foreward, making the kiss deeper.

He bit my lower lip wanting entrance but, I didn't give. He then had a hand go and get into my boxers and grab my shaft making me gasp, allowing him the entrance he wanted.

Before I knew it was naked, except for my boxers, Kaoru still holding my now hard member.

"K-Kaoru?" I ask breathlessly.

"Yes Wynter?" He says as he starts licking my nipples and biting them. He found a sensitive spot, on my neck and bit giving me a wave of pleasure and pain.

"Hurry up!" I moan out.

He looks at me a bit surprised, then smiles happily as his hand leaves my throbbing shaft and grabs a bottle of something oily, once he opened it, I smelled the scent coming from it.


He covers his fingers, I was confused a bit until he slid one in me. I tried to wiggle away but it wasn't working, he had a good grip on my hip.

"It feels w-weird Kaoru!" I say, and it was true it hurt as well.

He then slid it in and out making me feel better and get used to the feeling. He kissed my lips as he put another in and started scissoring and it hurt a bit, then there was a third and I tried moving once again.

"It's alright Wynter, it'll feel better soon." He says.

He then tries to search for something inside, I was bout to ask what he was doing when a load moan came from me, he hit again and again making me moan over and over, them getting louder and more closer together.

"Hehehe." He laughs as he takes his fingers out, me letting out an unwanted whimper from my mouth. He smiles at me, as something else enters, and it hurts get I'm filled with pleasure as he starts rubbing my shaft.

"Fucking skittles!" I say, and he laughs as he's finally all the way in me.

He then slowly starts thrusting angling himself for my sweet spot and once I'm moaning in pure pleasure he gets faster himself moaning on top of me.

I grab his back and hold him close as he grabs my face and kisses me passionately.


We did alot that night. It was amazing, but we had to split ways for awhile as he went to a designing school, and me I went to America.

I know live, in a mansion. I don't have maids or anything, it's just me. Yep, all that space to my self. It was lonely, but the host club did visit.

Kyouya and Renge are married and have a few kids. A boy, and 2 girls. Kyouya is actually a good father, better than his that is.

Honey and a girl named Kaiako ( a character from my other fanfic ;-) ) married and had two little girls that are beautiful and look like Honey as well as Kaiako.

Mori married a girl Named Arisu Koizumi ( another girl from another fanfic) they got married last stand Arisu is pregnant and expecting it to be twins. They're a really cute couple.

Tamaki and Haruhi got married as well, but haven't had luck with a child, or more like, Haruhi won't let him.....yet.

Hikaru is dating a very stubborn girl, and apparently the twin of Arisu, her name is Yuki. I also heard that she's pregnant with his child, well they have been dating since us 3rd years left, so for maybe 4 years, he wants her to marry him but she keeps pushing him odwn.

Me and Kaoru haven't really seen each other much, I still love him alot I'm just waiting for him to well come back.

I adopted 2 kids, a baby girl and a boy around seven.

Kaoru didn't mind, he actually loves them alot.

Right now Kaiako was sleeping, and Rin was at school, so I was cleaning up his room, when I felt hands snake around my waist, I look behind me and see Kaoru with a big smile. A mishevious one at that.

"Hey baby, I got great news, also I wanna go out to eat tonight, just us two. Hikaru can watch the kids." He said, in his now deeper voice.

While, I didn't grow much, only my voice got a bit deeper. It was a different case for him, he was taller, and had some muscle instead of looking like a noodle. He also looked more mature, but trust me his matureness is way below sea level.

"Oh, okay, but I thought you weren't coming home till another 2 months." I said as I twisted around in his arms to look into his yellowish eyes.

~timeskip to the date!~

I was a bit nervous we haven't been out to a date for months, and we were going to a really fancy restaurant, I mean really fancy.

It was nice, and had jewels everywhere, hanging from the ceiling in chandeliers, to engraved wine cups.

It was a very expensive looking place.

We were at a table in a secret room type thing, so not to be disturbed.

We talked for what seemed hours. Until he stops us with a question.

"Wynter, do you love me? I mean I haven't been around much at all, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't love me anymore." He looked so sad.

But he made me angry. So I, well I slapped him.

He held his cheek, while I glared at him. "Your an Idiot. Kaoru if I didn't love you, wouldn't I have left already?" He looked down. "Kaoru, I love you." I say and smile at him.

He smiles back. " Well that's good, I love you too."

"So what's this good news?" I asked finally remembering one of the reasons we came here tonight.

"Oh yeah, I can work, at home, as well as go online for the rest of my classes for college. Meaning I can stay home and be with you." He smiled.

"Really!? Yay! We should celebrate with skittles!" He sweatdrops at me. I giggle.

He then stands up and I watch his everymove, as he pulls out a velvety looking box and kneels down in front of me.

"Uh, K-Kaoru what are you doing?" I ask, getting nervous.

"Wynter Miyoshi, will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my Husband, Er or wife."

I giggle at the last part, and nod my head, I had no words to express my total happiness I was feeling right now.

He then smiled and brang me in for the sweetest kiss of my life, that'll I'll forever treasure.

When we got home, our little kitten greeted us first, she was a part of Nico's litter, she soon died after that so we named this one Nina. It was a litter of 8 so, we gave one to every Host member, so we are all connected somehow, and that's wonderful.

"Let's have some fun. Since the kids are out with their soon to be uncle, we might as well have a ravenous evening in bed."

I blush profusely and nod and we had one wild night.

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