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The night air was fresh but humid, enveloping Matt's bare skin as he stood topless outside his humble abode. Paige was asleep inside, yet he glanced furtively back at the house frequently as he waited for the line to connect on his phone. Matt was about to give up when finally a voice came through from the other end.


But they were well past pleasantries in their volatile relationship. "You need to come right now," Matt demanded.

"Return of the prodigal son," came the reply. "And rude as ever. Don't you know it's bedtime already?"

"Cut the shit, Stein. You owe me."

"Oh? Do I now? I don't recall. On the contrary, I've given you so much, and you've yet to thank me."

"Thank you?" His tone intensified, but Matt kept it at a whisper. "I have nothing to be thankful for, you sadistic little bitch!"

"You should really count your blessings, you know."

"Goddamn curses, more like."

"A matter of perspectives," Stein said. "So, how can I bless you this time?"

Matt could visualize the sickly grin that was surely on Stein's face, and he grimaced and sighed. "It's my friend. She thinks she's caught the bug."

"The bug? You mean the big one? Why does she think that?"

"Apparently she was infected by one of them."

"How?" Stein inquired.

"She said she was clawed repeatedly."

"I see. They're asexual, so infection is their means of 'reproduction', so to speak. How far has she regressed?"

"Slow down, Stein. We don't know for sure that she was infected."

"I just told you they infect others on purpose. It's a documented fact. Don't be an asshole."

"How am I an asshole? I'm just saying we don't know all the facts at this point."

"I don't care if you don't know all the details. She knows, and I believe her. Not everything's about you," Stein explained.

"Whatever. Just come."

"Not 'whatever'. That's a shitty thing to do. Even for you."

"Now you're getting all serious on me? Save it, old man. Are you coming or am I wasting my time here?"

"Here's what I'm gonna do. I'll be there first thing in the morning to check her out. For her sake. And then, after I'm done, I'm gonna kick your-"

Matt hung up.

The next morning, a black car with suicide doors pulled up and parked outside of Matt's bungalow. He was aware of the guest's arrival, and had gestured through his bedroom window for the newcomer to wait. After approximately an hour of idling, Matt finally emerged and rapped against the tinted window of the classic vehicle. Matt did not recognize the guest stepping out of the car.


"In the flesh," she replied.

"Why do you look like that?"

"I dress for the occasion."

"Your name doesn't even match your ethnicity."

"Hush. I'll do the introductions then," she said, and patted his cheek dismissively.

He shook his head in annoyance. "Just so you know, she's a little paranoid about strangers."

Stein stopped and turned to him. "Did she know I'm coming?"

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