safe and sound

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We arrived to the party at 12. There was about 100 cars outside. This is going to be a long ass night.

When you walked in the music was blaring, smoke was fuming, alcohol was passed around, bodies were moving. It looked like a good ass time. We all spread out saying hi to our friends. Aross the room I saw the jacks, sam, nash, random girls and more of the ohmaha squad. I walked over saying hi to all except one and stood by Johnson.

"Dude your turning 20 in a week "
"Yes I know I'm so excited"
"As long as you keep your cute baby face promis?" "I promise ma"

I felt jacks eyes on me at all times. When I dance, drank, talk to people, stalker much. I met eyes with him and he looked dead at me, who the hell does he think he is being all hot and annoying. I walked up to him "quit staring it's weird" "I'm not." That's such a lie but if you want to stare go ahead but next time make your boner less obvious." "Who says it's because of you?" "Not saying it is babe" I nodded my head and walked to skate.
He handed me a blunt and I slowly let my nerves fly away.

It's been about two hours and I'm a sober. I'm the designated driver, yay for responsibility. I have to pee so bad. I walked upstairs and opened the bathroom door but it was locked. I knew this house like back if my hand so u took a left and followed the long hallway going into mates bedroom. "Slut." Was all that came out of my mouth as I watched jack and some girl kiss and take her clothes off. Before I ran walked down stairs hearing my name being called over and over, I reached the balcony and closed the door sitting down.

I heard the doors open and closed "jack please just leave me alone." "No you need to listen." "Why the fuck would I listen to you because according to you I'm a slut."I said as calm ass possible. "Just shut up and listen please" "why? I liked you but you pushed me away you never gave me a chance you were too worried and being a fuck boy to care about anyone about yourself." "Listen! You say I never gave you a chance and that I'm a fuck boy. You made me like this. YOU never gave me the chance you were too busy with an abusive boyfriend who used you, cheated, lied, played, and treated you like shit but I'm the fuckboy?!? Elise I loved you so much you could never see it all the bruises he gave you. You always came crying to me and it may sound selfish and cruel but I loved it bc I knew you trusted me and ms cared and all I wanted was for you to be happy. But I wanted to be the reason you work up smiling and laughing, YOU were always running back to Jordan it was always Jordan Jordan Jor-"

my hand came up to his mouth covering it from hearing that name. "Stop please" I felt it cracking but I couldn't take it. "I suck with him because I loved him no mater what he did no matter how many times he cheated, I still loved him because he told me I was beautiful and he was sorry and he was drunk when it happened and I believed it! But it was always you I came to because I loved you I knew you would never hurt me like he did I knew I could trust you I knew that no matter what jack gilinsky was my angel and I'm sorry for loving you I'm sorry jack because I love you but you don't know how hard it is to express how I feel about a guy after him or how I feel about anyone."

Hot tears were pouring down my face. I can't believe what I just said but it was all true me and jack have some a past but I guess that's all it is. The past. I wiped my face. "Look jack I don't want you to worry about me I'm fine and I'll be fine have a good night and we can go back to being friends if that's what you want."

"It's not 'what I want' what I want is you, your smile, laugh, hair, the way you raise your eyebrow when your mad, your snores when you sleep, when your sleepy you blink alot, I want when your arguing you always look at people in the eye it shows your strong, or how you only cry when your mad or with Jordan I want when you don't know how to trust because your so broken but your so damn beautiful, I want the fact that you never say I love you. I want you I know your not ready to be in a relationship we don't have to call it a relationship but I want to be able to hold your hand Kiss you hug you in public I want how in front of people your so nice and cute and have a attitude but alone your a freak and silly god I just want you."

his eyes were watering and I don't have anything to say so I kissed him are lips were perfect. I wanted him too and I don't wanna let go. I pulled away smiling. "Can we go home?" "Anywhere you want baby." He intertwined our fingers and took me to his car.

We walked into his and jacks house and up to his room. "Wanna watch a movie?" "Just cuddle with me" he smiled and took off his shirt and gave it to me. I changed into his shirt and wore my Calvin Kleins we got into bed and his arms wrapped around me. I immediately fell asleep safe and happy.

Happy? Been a long ass time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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