Chapter 8: Overprotective Younger Brother

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*Your POV*

      I sat on my bed curled up against Ryan and we were both under the covers. There's no place in this world I'd rather be. I buried my face into his chest as he rubbed my back. His warmth was all I needed. I heard my door slowly creek open.

"Brendon, not now please." Ryan said softly

"I know. I just wanna know if . . . if she's ok." Brendon replied softly

"I'm fine." I mumbled into Ryan's chest

      I didn't hear another word from anyone so I just assumed Brendon left my room. Ryan placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I looked up at Ryan before I sat up. I kissed his lips and sat on his lap and straddled his hips.

I pulled away, "Ry, I want you." I said, breathlessly

"Baby, are you sure? Maybe we should wait-" Ryan started before I cut him off

"I want you now. No waiting." I said before reconnecting our lips

Ryan pulled away, "But, Brendon is here." He said

"I don't care." I spat out before roughly kissing Ryan's lips again

I just hope Brendon doesn't hear us.

      Ryan flipped me onto my back and he took off his shirt, along with mine. He started to kiss my neck, causing me to moan. I tugged at the waist of his jeans, telling him to take them off. He broke the kiss and quickly took off his jeans, and mine. He reconnected my lips to my neck and started to suck on it.

"Ry, could you just-" I moaned

"Baby, I don't wanna rush this." He said, breathlessly, between kisses

"Fuck." I moaned breathlessly

      He started kissing my lips again. Ryan swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him in without hesitation. The heat of our breath and moans being exchanged and Ryan grinding his hips down against mine was the best thing I had ever experienced.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" A voice yelled

Ryan got off of me as I looked over to see Brendon standing in my doorway. Thank god we still had undergarments on.

Well, fuck.

"Can't you knock?" I yelled back

"What is wrong with you?" Brendon yelled

"Nothing!" I exclaimed, sitting up and covering myself with the covers and Ryan propped himself up on his elbow

"You're too young for this!" He yelled

"Brendon, I'm older than you! And you get to do this with whoever and whenever the fuck you want?" I snapped

"You're out of control, y/n." Brendon said quietly before walking out of my room and closing the door behind him, completely ignoring the last thing I said.

"I'm not out of control." I said as I covered my face with my hands and tears rolling down my cheeks

"Baby, it's ok." Ryan whispered as he sat up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap and kissing my forehead.

*Ryan's POV*

Y/n didn't look at me. I cradled her in my arms, trying to calm her down. She shoved her face in my, now bare, chest. I felt her tears fall onto my chest. I don't mind, so what if I'm covered in tears that aren't my own? I just want to be there for her.

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