The Heartbreak Time

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Andrew's POV

Things change so fast. I mean a month earlier things were great between Landon and Ren and as good as they can get between Austin and Cel but just in a month everything changed. It is completely clear that Landon and Ren are not talking to each other whereas Austin and Cel, well lets just say that their relationship was different from the starting i mean they both are perfect for each other but Austin gives very less time to Cel and Cel being the ever patient has not even complained once and now with the rumors everything is going haywire with those two. But who am i to judge their relationship i mean everyone have their own problems like right now i have and that is my girl's birthday and it is in two weeks earlier i thought that the girls would help me but now i don't want to cause them any trouble afterall that is going on in their own lives and i don't wanna cause anymore trouble so i have decided to do everything by myself.

I have an idea and that is a party based on the theme of candy land. it may seem childish but i know that she loves cute things and sweets every much so it will be a pool party with many different kinds of pies and cakes etc it will have the entrance and tables and everything in the shape of different candies i know it will be very difficult for me to do all these things alone but i know that in the end it will be all worth it , the big smile that she will have on her face after seeing everything will be worth it because i know  that my girl is worth it.

And so my work starts from now.

Krystal's POV

It's been a week since Andrew is ignoring me and i really hope that it is not what i think it is,

I didn't do anything than why is he ignoring me is he fed up of me now and is bored or maybe he has found another girl. It cannot be sex can it?

I mean i have already lost my virginity which i solely regret but still i was ready to take things farther than just simple make out session but it was he who said that we should take things slow and that i was not just another girl who he wants for sex but he likes me for the person who i am and that taking things beyond make out session will only complicate our feelings for each other.

he also told me that he wanted take things slow because he wanted to make me realize that when it comes to me just a kiss is enough to make his day. I remember that day very clearly i mean every girl remembers the day when his boyfriend says such sweet things things to her.

But now that i think about it maybe he doesn't like my figure that's why he doesn't want me or maybe he already has someone to fulfill his needs. the mere thought of another girl kissing MY boyfriend doesn't sit right with me. And also i am also not the kind of girlfriend to spy on her boyfriend so i won't think of such absurd things which will never happen. or maybe they can..

Ughh i'm fucking pissed right now i can only talk to Andrew in college and after that he goes to someplace i don't know where and he tells me that he is busy with something very important. I don't know what can be more important than his very own girlfriend. And now after so much consideration i have decided that today i will corner him in college with no sign of escape and will tell him to spill all that is happening in his damn life.

I entered college with new found determination and immediately spotted Andrew talking in the phone with someone i went a little close and heard him say.

"you have to do it fast  we don't have much time and we have to do everything without causing any suspicion she cannot know about that"

what the hell was he talking about... what is he doing which he doesn't want anyone to know and if he is talking about what is that he doesn't want me to know. the moment to spotted he immediately cut his call and nervously ran his hands over his hair and said "Hey Krys you wanted something?"

"can't i come and meet my boyfriend who seems to be ignoring me all the time",i asked and i also didn't miss that he called by my name rather than calling me by the endearments he always uses.

The only thing that i can think right now is only one thing and that is he has found someone else and is gonna breakup with me but i'm not gonna give up on him until it is clear that he wants breakup with me and i will give up the day he comes to me and says he doesn't want me now.

Next week is my birthday and he doesn't even remember it but i think that is heartbreak time with all that is going on with Landon and Ren and Austin and Cel and now maybe Andrew and me.

I hope my nightmare doesn't come true and that there is nothing wrong between  us. But even i know that it ain't true.

next update very soon

hope you all like it.

thanks for reading

love you all

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