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-Narrator: Mark.

Once landed, the engine was so heated without water that catched fire. The smoke coming out of it could probably be seen miles away from where I was. ''Hope this doesen't get anyone's attention...'' I said as I splashed the engine with a bucket full of water. Thankfully, with the engine turned off, the fire went out very quickly.

After pushing the He-112 into the cave, I started hearing something in the distance. It sounded like an engine... a plane engine. ''Fuck... they found the island.'' I cursed, and my first thought was the nazi bombers dropping explosives on Berk, with the vikings having to clue of what was hitting them. I tried to clear those thoughts and went outside, getting everything inside the cave. Then I hid behind a bush and waited.

Time passed and the sound of the engine was louder than before, but there was no plane in the sky. After a couple of minutes more I finally saw the plane: it didn't look like anything I had seen before however, as it was made completely of wood, and the engine was poking out of the fuselage exaggeratedly, like it was the first time anybody had built one. It was spitting grey smoke, as if the gasoline was very rustic. And it was approaching the runway like the pilot had never flied before.

''Whait, what?'' I said, standing up, in front of too much coincidence. Somebody, inside the machine, was waving at me. I started running towards him a moment later. ''Mother of god, you better not be who I think you are.'' I lost my nerves and loaded a bullet in the revolver.

Just in case.

The aircraft bouced once in the runway, then twice and finally stopped. The landing caused a lot of dirt to cover the plane. I approached slowly, pointing my gun at the cockpit. Moments later, a figure could be seen inside the cloud of dirt. It seemed like he saw me pointing the weapon at him, as he  walked back, scared. ''Show yourself.'' I demanded. The figure slowly became visible as the dirt dispelled.

''You can't be serious right now...'' I sighed.

It was Hiccup.

-Narrator: Snotlout.

''What?'' I shouted.

Fishlegs took away the paper from my hands, and started reading it. ''Your best friend, Mark... Are you sure this is for him? You know... maybe it could be-'' He started. ''It can't be anyone else, Hiccup is the only one that consider's the pilot es an equal!'' Astrid screamed. For the next ten minutes, nobody said a thing.

''We need so tell the rest of the village.'' I said. ''They already know it.'' Astrid responded. Everybody looked at her. Confused, Tuffnut said: ''How do you know?''  ''When I asked, everybody evaded my questions. Specially Stoick. They know, but they don't want to tell us that Hiccup might be...'' ''He is gonna be fine!'' I heard Ruff say,  '' He's friend of Mark. And as far as I know, that guy is pretty good at fighting. He broke your arm a while ago if you don't remember.'' Astrid grabbed her arm, remembering.

''But then... what should be do?'' I asked, impatient. ''Nothing.'' I heard a voice behind me. It was Stoick. ''You stay here while I will go after my son. I'll carry him home safe and sound.'' I stepped back, but Astrid approached the chief. ''Can I go with you?'' Stoick looked down at her. Sometimes I can't believe how much courage Astrid has, nobody excepting her could have asked the chief that question. Specially after declaring that we should stay in Berk. But I wasn't going to stay back, and so, I got next to her saying: ''If she goes, I go too!'' Now the chief was looking at me. His presence was so imposing that scared me for a moment, but I didn't move. Suddenly, Tuff, Ruff and Fishlegs also asked Stoick permission to follow him.

In front of all those volunteers, he couldn't say no, right?

After a minute or so, he finally nodded. ''Ok, but you will do what I say ok? The least of things I want to happen is to lose another one of you.'' All of us smiled at each other. ''We'll do sir!'' Astrid cheered. Suddenly, Gobber appeared with a bad on his back.

''Stoick, the ships are almost ready, we set sail in ten minutes.''

-Narrator: Toothless.

The dragons helped me arriving to the nest. I landed with my belly, as I was too weak for my paws. Whatever the pilot shot at me, it wasn't a fireball. And it was still causing me problems. I had to land several times in the way home because of the injuries. Later I discovered that the proyectile had opened a wound in my back, just between the wings, and pretty big as well...

When I touched the floor of the nest, a dozen of dragons came and surrounded me, helping me getting on my paws. ''What happened?'' One asked. ''You need to see Alka.'' Another one screeched. In seconds, all the dragons around me started talking at the same time. But one thing was for sure, I needed to see Alka. 

Alkas was the shaman of the nest. She developed medicines for almost everything in her 900 years of life. She was also a good story-teller. 

I hobbled my way to Alka's cave with the help of another dragon. When we entered, a sweet scent invaded my snout. She was in home. Suddenly, a yellow, small dragon with stripes in her back appeared in front of us, coming from the darkness. ''You really should get a more iluminated cave.'' I joked. The Sweet Death waved his head. ''Darkness is better for the medicines.''  ''Well, I better leave now.  Seeya later.'' The Nadder next to me said. Then he left, leaving me and Alka alone.

''What do you want now?'' She asked. I layed on the floor, revealing my wound. Alka got closer and smelled it. Did I mention that the Sweet Death has no eyes? They always use their ears or their great smell for everthing. It's kind of disturbing first, but it's fine when you get used to it. ''It's pretty bad, what happened?'' she asked. ''I got attacked.'' the answer seemed to convince her, as she walked to the end of the cave, where all the potions and herbs where. She smelled each one of them and then grabbed one. She came back and scattered the ointment all over the opened wound.

I moned in pain and bended my back. My claws were ripping the rock under them. ''THAT HURTS!'' I screeched. ''Well then, next time you better don't get on any trouble.''Alka argued. After two minutes of suffering. She finally stopped. ''There you go, in about two hous the wound will be gone. But be sure you take rest, ok? And please don't get in any more dogfight. These potions are hard to cook!'' I got up. ''Thanks, and you can be sure that the next time I see that pilot...''

''... he will be the one that falls from the skies.''

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