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This chapter is *drumrolllllll* SHIPS!!!! YAY!!!!!!! *Confetti canon* I've been meaning to do this chapter FOREVER

Don't start any arguments, but here are MY personal fav sips, comment yours plz!!!

EAH OTP: Bropper (Briar+Hopper)

Other ships:

Dexpid (Dexter+Cupid)

Darise (Daring+Cerise) I love popular boy + invisible girl stuff it's so cute ^-^ ahem, (but then Rosabella ugh idk what to think anymore...)


Huntlynn (Hunter+Aslynn)

Charling (Darling+Chase)

Bunnystair (Bunny+Alistair)

Melody is an independent chica, i don't like her w/ sparrow, soooo

Humphrey..... idek... I'm pretty sure he is going to die alone, or at least cracked and spilled over near a sewer drain...... Unless he somehow woos Apple... ASDFGJKL OMG Appey! Or Humpple... maybe Happle? XD these ship names sound horribly hilarious. *I don't care, I ship it* I DON'T SHIP HIM WITH ANYONE ACTUALLY. Everyone is shipping Humphrey (especially with jillian -_-) and I'm like no -_- Humphrey is suppose to be team #foreveralone and I fully 100% support that! I'm Humprey's little cheerleader ^-^ (that's MY opinion, don't kill me plz) #foreveralone #teamHumphrey

0-0.... that just happened.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'll tell you the special thing now. And it iiiiis surprise, surprise, a SHIP story!!!! Yay!  woooo!

sooooooooooooo just

~Pick your OTP from EAH


~Comment your ship name for them and the name of your story (+ a link if you can)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Really, this is just for fun! I'm curious and want to read you people's stories I'll add them to my spindle sleeper's reading list! also, THIS ISN'T A CONTEST! simply for fun only. We can read and support each others story's all bc of one little comment section! 

you can go to my reading list and find the stories that people have commented on this chapter, they are all there.

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