EAH Movies//More Variety plz

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I wonder what the next EAH  movie will be???

I personally want something exploring the giants. remember beanstalk high? Tiny? Jillian and her dad, Jack? Yeah I want more of their story.

 Humphrey would most likely get more screen time while Jillian would get more character development, along with Nina Thumbell- cause Nina being able to turn so small among giants

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Humphrey would most likely get more screen time while Jillian would get more character development, along with Nina Thumbell- cause Nina being able to turn so small among giants... that could be fun. (especially for sneaking around.)

Meeshell, Justine and Ginger also hardly have personality in the show too.

Idk I feel like there is a lot Mattel could do with the most recent characters they have come out with, I hope they  actually use them and their fairy tale skills to enhance the plot, instead of ignoring them and using the same characters over and over. Like come on let's expand a little here!!!

just a thought.

I wish there were more characters from other lands too, like Neverland, Oz, Camelot times, etc. Ik the whole "they aren't Disney" thing, but those stories don't belong to Disney, they were written before, which means anyone can recreate them??? right???

That's another thing I think could be expanded on, the stuff outside of EAH. The next movie could be about traveling across story book lands to save Ever After High, or something like that??? They could go to MONSTER HIGH *cough,* Wonderland High, Neverland High, Beanstalk High, Emerald City High, etc. to get help from the locals. Like maybe there is a curse on EAH, and to break it, that requires collecting one magical artifact from each land- who knows their own land better than the students??? (plus high schoolers are more adapt to save the world than the adults, duh.)

I would watch that!!! There would be a lot of cool new characters.

Or another thing I would watch is the students traveling INTO stories on accident (like say Raven messed up a spell) as they are happening and cause some ruckus XD that would be entertaining.

Or their graduation, and what they all become but that would mean the end of EAH, so I can wait for that movie.

Or their graduation, and what they all become but that would mean the end of EAH, so I can wait for that movie

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(I thought this picture was cool, even though I don't want Raven to be Evil)

I'd also like to see the darker side of EAH, and life there, if you've read the books you know what I'm talking about. But this is a kids show...

OR BRIAR!!! Her character development is veerrrry interesting, and her personality I love it, I want moooore Briar!! MORE! I want to move this development (including Hopper, ahem) along. In the books Briars home life sounds great omg XD when I read the books I remember wanting her to have her own separate story- it was that interesting.

 In the books Briars home life sounds great omg XD when I read the books I remember wanting her to have her own separate story- it was that interesting

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Then there's Fayebell...

OR the hood/wolf family.

OR the O'Hair family.

OR the Charming siblings.

OR Cedar

OR Dexpid. ^-^

There are soooooooooooooooo many things that could go in so many directions, EAH LET'S PICK UP THE GAME WE'RE DIEING OVER HERE

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There are soooooooooooooooo many things that could go in so many directions, EAH LET'S PICK UP THE GAME WE'RE DIEING OVER HERE.

I thought I knew what I wanted but now I'm more confused than ever. GIVE ME EVERYTHING. And that's only a few of my thoughts, I have eVeN mORe things I'd like to see too.

What about you? What do you want?

I hope this next book answers some questions, fr.   BTW, If you haven't read the books, you really should- not just because they are so good, but because they explain lots of stuff and they give you a closer look into some of the fairy tale's lives. I'm not saying read all of the short side books and the cute mini series or whatever, but at the least read the  main 3 that Shannon Hale wrote. (the other books are good too) The ones by Shannon Hale are the main important ones, so at the least read those.

 (the other books are good too) The ones by Shannon Hale are the main important ones, so at the least read those

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(sorry if it's a bit confusing, my thoughts are always scattered, even in writing apparently.)

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