Fat(her)s War

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Quietly humming in the kitchen, remembering the other day when we had that war. . . it was good for the pack and especially for Luke. I don't think he noticed it, but he was laughing and smiling the whole time, when before he couldn't even force a smile to reassure a child. Laughing in front of his pack, made them even more fiercely protective of this pack he created. The only reason I really knew this was because several of the pack members would come up to me and give me a quick hug, thanking me for making their Alpha smile so much. He really was loved.

Setting out lunch I rang a little bell that had everyone scrambling for the kitchen. I was used to feeding large amounts of people, so it wasn't very difficult cooking up a festival. Thinking back on what was going on in my pack, I realized that I wasn't the only one that was suffering at the hands of the Alpha. I had always known that a pack like Luke's, like ours, was a rarity in the werewolf world. Normally wolves were all about hierarchies and such, so when a alpha decided to become friends with members of a lower status, it was like a shockwave goes through the world. But Luke had done that, and the results are literally worlds away from anything that the High Council could have predicted.

Arms wrapped around my waist and Luke's scent filled my nose.

"What are you thinking so hard about, love?"

"My old pack. . . " I trailed off for a moment before I turned in his arms and stared him in the eyes, completely ready to confess all of my thoughts. "I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one who was abused in the pack, and I want to help the others." he looked patient waiting for me to organize my thoughts correctly. God, did I love this man. The thought took me by surprise and it wasn't from Okami at all, they were my feelings and I loved this man who looked at me with kindness and patience, who hugged me when I was scared and who laughed with me at silly jokes. I beamed a smile at him, feeling the love in my eyes flow into his, but this was no time for a passionate make-out session. Placing my hand on his chest, I gently pushed him back so I could completely see his reaction when I told him what was worrying me. "There were little kids with bruises and couples that would suddenly disappear. They are suffering, and I want to help and bring them here, to our pack. Look around you Luke," he did, slightly puzzled. "You created the most efficient pack that I have ever seen. They are happy and healthy and they love their Alpha with every fiber in their being. This pack, is one of a kind. The children are laughing and running around because they know that they are safe and they are protected. The woman are giggling and gossiping because they know they are loved. The men are strong because they have families to protect and a good Alpha to follow. This pack is the ideal example for a family of wolves." I looked Luke in the eyes, pulling his face closer to mine. "My pack was the most common example of a pack. Kids were scared of their fathers, wifes abused, arragned marriages between strangers for political matters. They need our help. I don't want to start a war, but if thats what it takes to make others feel the same safety of a good Alpha, so be it." He nodded and his lips pressed against mine.

"You know I love you right?" He kissed my nose when I nodded. "I'll call a meeting for a plan after the picnic is finished."

"Thank you." I said simply, touching my lips to his for a light peck before I was pulled away by Katie. Nothing could really stop this girl . . . maybe her mate could, but then he was on the other side of the yard.


Sighing I went with Katie and was introduced to many of the female pack members. They were all welcoming and I never sensed any hostiliy towards Timmy or myself. I suppose what I had said the other day. . . really got to them. It was just as well. I didn't want to kill anyone else who wished to 'harm' Timmy.

Chatting with the others really made me take a step back and realized that even if I was damaged practically beyond repair, I would still be accepted. If not by all, then my mate will love me unconditionally depsite everything.

Later that evening I was waiting for the meeting to commence, and Luke was busy gathering all the warriors, both men and women. Once they had all assembled Luke told me to say what I had told him earlier. Regurgitating the speach I had made earlier, I explained my case, and where I was comming from. Questions of my old pack rattled in my ears during the meeting, and I explained everything that I knew. In some areas, I had excessive amounts of information and in others I had only whispers from the walls to tell.

Luke stood behind me during the meeting, answering questions that happened in the future that I hadn't thought through yet. The warriors were glaring at me, as if my past was my fault and it was wrong to help those who were in need.

The war was going to happen, and I would have to face my demons. This time I wasn't alone. . . I wouldn't have to fight by myself. That was the lone thing that kept me from breaking down into a sever panic attack about what my Father could do to me if we failed. With everyone on my side, I hoped we would win. If not for me, then for the others.

The next few days were hectic as the preperations for the war were made. We contacted all the other packs that Luke was allied to and they agreed to help us as long as we kept their mates safe. That was easy enough, no major preperations.


That, for me, was by far the most difficult thing to organize. Mainly because it was just me ordering everyone around, and its weird telling others what to do, after so long of listening to others orders. After a few hours of stressing myself out, practically over nothing, Luke told me that if I acted like I knew what I was doing others would listen. In times of distress, people will always look to the people who know more than them, even if it is only a little amount. Werewolves were no different and carried out my acted orders to the letter. This was such a fun situation.

In a nutshell. . .

I'm perfectly petrified.

The woman and children would be secured inside a vault like place that could stand a good bomb raid. It was ten miles under the main Pack house and the only way the fighting could be felt was if there was a nuke explosion directly on top of the house. The ventilation system was interesting, and a wolf named Velda designed it. It filtered air so finely that poisons, ash particles, and dust particles would be caught before they made it into the room. For the poison, there was a certain button that had a large sign above stating in bold words 'Emergency Poison Filter'. The only way to miss it, well, was if you were physically blind. But to press it, you would need to have the strength of an Alpha. So considering I was the Luna, I would be the only one who could hit the button.

The woman, the ones who weren't warriors, would stay inside until Luke or I would open the door. I would stay inside with the woman and children along with some woman warriors that were supposedly disguised as weak women.

The men would fight with the men if my previous pack. I didn't know what they are going to do.

It's pissing me off.

Although I understood why I wasn't taking part in the actual war, I was being targeted for one, but it didn't stop me from being irritated. I told Luke as much and he laughed and told me to trust him.

Again, HA!

Like that was going to happen. So I asked one if the female warriors to tell me the basic rundown of what they were going to do. Turned out their whole elaborate plan was run in screaming and kill the alpha. When you boil that down, it turns out that they really don't have a plan. It was so reassuring that I went to Luke and punched him in the arm as hard as I could. Ignoring Okami's chiding of my childish behaviour, I glared at Luke.

He just sighed and rubbed his arm.

"You found out, huh?" he looked slightly worried, frightened even. My face was contorting into a mask of nothing. I grabbed the girl who was weak and scared of him dying and locked her into a corner. Out came the woman who had suffered and survived.

"Yeah I found out. I know you will die. there's a 70% of you never coming back. You better grab that 30% and hold on to it for your life and get a better f***ing plan. I don't want to see you until you come back." I said to him by voice never changing from a flat monotone. Taking off my ring my son gave me, I pushed into his chest. "You better give this back."

He gulped and stood there nodding as I walked away.

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