Fear that weighs the same

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His wolf growled lowly at seeing our body. It was covered with scars, brutally raised and hatched across my skin but they made us, us.

His eyes glowed red and my breath caught in my throat. That was the look my Father and his friends would get after they had been drinking to much.

Fear clouded my mind and I put Okami in my place, shuddering at the ghostly touch of fingers of the past.

"Look away." Omani growled and I whimpered inside our head.

'He may be our mate, but he doesn't understand how to treat you yet.' She said, trying to soothe me. 'I'll sort him out, I'm really sorry he scared you Selene.' Omani whispered to me gently. Her voice soothing my startled fear and panicky reaction to a controllable level.

'Im sorry, I was so scared it was going to happen again.'

"Hun, he's our mate, he couldn't hurt us even if he tried. He'll understand. I promise.' I nodded silent at her words and closed my eyes, fighting the memories while Okami faced Luke.

"Okay, sorry Selene." Luke stumbled back with his hands over his eyes, fighting back his wolf.

"I'm not Selene." She mumbled while she dressed our body. "You scared her." Luke flinched, and we both felt terrible, but it was my fault. I was the jumpy one, not Okami. "We are sorry that we make you feel bad, but we have good reason. After being snuck up on from behind just to get hit or raped, it does things to the reflexes." Omani shrugged at his expression. He was trying to keep it blank, but horror mixed with disbelief fell through easily. I stepped forward, Okami relenting to my curiosity. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" He asked, on the defensive side suddenly, crossing his arms across his chest. I hummed quietly as I studied him.

"Try to hide your emotions behind that scary face. It looks like a mask. I'm not to clear about what a mate is, but I thought we were supposed to be honest with each other. Okami simply stated a fact that happened many times. We are both aware that I'm not supposed to be indifferent about it, but how can I not? It is a defense that I've had for as long as I can remember. Horrible things happened, and I built a wall. Why do you need a wall?" I asked stepping closer with each word. Okami was proud of me, asking a well thought of question to our mate, who she wished to impress. He sighed, his shoulders collapsing with the weight of the world.

"I'm an Alpha." He said shrugging.

"I don't understand." I pulled on his arm and took him back into my room so I could change. Timmy wasn't there, but I refused to let myself be concerned about it. He could take care of himself, and I needed to hear this. He sighed again.

"I'll just tell you the whole thing, so don't get lost." Taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly before starting his story. His mother had been murdered by rouges when he was sixteen. His father died from the loss of his mate six months later. When he was seventeen, he became a full Alpha. Far too young to be a full Alpha but there he was with the title, a large pack, and no mentor. Quickly he learned that other Alphas weren't as kind as his father was to his pack. Despite his disgust with their methods, he was just a kid, what could he say? So he learned to put up a poker face, that he could never seem to free himself of. He had been so afraid that he was going to mess up, it consumed him and became such an oppressive force, that he could feel it leaking over and effecting his other pack members. He didn't want anyone to feel what he felt. It showed weak Ed's that had been forbidden to expose by so many of the past. So he confined all his feelings inside a black box in the back of his head. He barely remembered how long it had been since he laughed.

Quietly I asked his age.

He was twenty five, and I was nineteen. He had been living with that fear for eight years. With a six year difference between us, one would think there would be a difference in the depth of our scars but we had both been afraid for years and years, for different reasons, but our fear weighed the same.

Silently I touched my forehead to his and held his hands, whispering assurances to him.

We looked at each other and I gently pressed my lips to his and quickly pulled away. Blushing I'm sure.

Timmy was still missing, so I quickly ran off without giving him a chance to say anything to find him.

His words held so much pain when he spoke to me that it broke my heart. The physical pain I had suffered seemed to be so small compared to his mental pain. I was in awe of his self control and a bit afraid of his 'black box'. We both knew that we could fix each other. It was just a matter of finding the right tools.


sorry its late and short, but i hit this wall. . . just have to get over it, but something is better than nothing right?

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