Chapter 1

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*Aria's POV*

"Ari, come on! You can't just not go tonight! This party is going to be huge! Plus, I can't not have my best friend there with me!" Lana pouted.

I sighed, running my fingers through my long, brown hair. I didn't want to go, but I knew somehow, she would end up persuading me. To her, every party was huge.

Now to be fair, I wasn't a prude. I liked going to parties, but I just wasn't up for it tonight.

"Lana, do I really have to go tonight? I mean....Josh will be there, you won't be alone," at the mere mention of his name, my heart sped up.

Stop it Aria. That's her boyfriend. Not yours.

"Yeah, I know he'll be there, but he not my best friend, now is he?" She teased. That wasn't fair. She used that line on me, and it always worked. I huffed, getting off my bed, going towards my closet in defeat. She clapped her hands together, grinning like she just won a million dollars, "Great! So the party starts at around nine, so you have a good hour and a half to get ready. I'll meet you there, yeah?"

Leave it to Lana to invite me somewhere, and make me go alone. Typical.

Before I could even confirm the plans, she ran out of my room, and out of my house. I groaned, flinging my closet door open.

After about thirty minutes of torture trying to find the "perfect" outfit, I finally came across my black dress. It was perfect length, coming to about mid-thigh, and it had quarter length sleeves that were completely lace. I wasn't one to look trashy at parties.

I curled my hair, and put my makeup on, giving myself a smokey eye and a nude lip. I loved makeup. I knew a lot of girls who hated makeup, but I like to wear it.

I finished off my outfit with my simple black heels, with time to spare. I grabbed my clutch, throwing my keys and phone in there, and I went downstairs.

I smelled food in the kitchen and I heard my little sister, Christine, running around, "Hey mom? I'm going out to a party tonight with Lana," I said, walking into the kitchen. My mom pulled a pan of fries out of the oven, and turned around, smiling at me, "Alright honey, just be back before one, alright?"

That's one thing I loved about my relationship with my mom. We had so much trust with one another.

"Sissy you look so pretty!" Christine giggled, running over to hug my legs. I ruffled her hair up, "You be good for mom tonight okay, and I'll take you for ice cream tomorrow, sound good?" She nodded quickly, and went to go sit down for dinner.

My mom and dad were divorced, but he still came around, and we all still loved him. Christine usually stayed the weekend at his house as well. Christine was attached to him at the hip. I smiled at my thoughts and walked over to give my mom a hug.


The car ride there felt long, and it made me anxious. All I could think about was him.


I was screwed up. That was Lana's boyfriend, but I had a major crush on him since the seventh grade. Josh and I were partners in the short story contest my school held every year. We wrote a story on emotions, rage to be exact, and we won second place. From that moment on, we were pretty much inseparable, up until the ninth grade, when he and Lana started dating.

Stop thinking about it Aria, you'll ruin your makeup.

As I pulled up to the house where the party was being held, I breathed heavily, trying to maintain my composure. I immediately recognized the house I was at, as Levi Morris's lake house. I now understood why Lana was so adamant about me coming to the party.

Levi had had a crush on me for a while, and she was determined for us to be together. I didn't like him the way he liked me, and I think he knew that, although, I would never reject him harshly. He was a really nice guy.

As soon as I stepped out of my car, I was greeted by the thumping of music, and I could make out people on the front porch talking and drinking.

Everyone looked like they were having a great time, and I just wanted to go home and eat French fries with Christine.

I made my way into the house, and went straight for the kitchen. Barely anyone was in there, so I could finally breathe. I pulled my phone out of my purse checking the time. 9:45. Ugh.

-Hey Lana, Im here. And alone. Help!- A

I quickly sent Lana the text, and looked around for a drink that hadn't been opened. I didn't have the time to be drugged tonight.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and opened it. Lana still hadn't texted me back. She was probably with Josh. Ugh.

"Hey Aria," I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see none other than Josh himself.

Speak of the devil.

I sighed inwardly, taking in his appearance. His dark brown hair was messy, and his dark green eyes were piercing. His white button clung to him, and the first few buttons were undone, showing off his chest.

Kill me.

"Hey Josh," I smiled, taking a sip of my water, "Where's Lana?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He shrugged, looking out into the large living room, where everyone was dancing, "She ran off earlier with Briana and Kelsey, so I was waiting on you."

He was waiting on me?

"Why them? I thought they hated each other," I laughed. I was friends with everyone, but Lana, she couldn't stand Briana and Kelsey.

He laughed too, and bit his lip, "I didn't even want to come tonight to be honest, Lana dragged me here," he shook his head.

Lana pulled him with her everywhere. Wherever she went, he followed and it was sick actually.

I could treat you better Josh.

Stop it, Lana's your best friend.

"I didn't want to either," I added, sighing softly. If only he knew what he was doing to me right now.

At that moment, Lana strode in, "Hey babe!" She slurred, kissing him roughly. He pulled away, giving me an apologetic look, "Lana, I probably need to take you home," he huffed, holding her up. How was she even this drunk? It was only 10:00.

And then she started yelling at him. For no reason.

I wouldn't do that to you Josh.

A/N: First chapter!! I'm putting a lot of effort into this book, so hopefully it turns out well!!!! Love you guys!

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