Chapter 6

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*Aria's POV*

"Do you even know how many calories are in those French fries you're eating? Honestly, they'll make you fat Ari."

This wasn't how I planned tonight to go. It was the fourth quarter of Josh's first football game of the season, and the only thing I've heard for the past fifteen minutes is how fat I'm going to get eating my fucking cheese fries, "Lana if you dont mind, would you kindly shut the fuck up?"

This is how she acted now. She was annoying, rude, and she didn't care about anyone's feelings. Her bottom lip started to tremble like she was going to cry, but I didn't care at this point.

"I'm just going to go. Tell Josh I said hi, and that he did great tonight, for me," I mumbled, standing up from my seat.

There's a time in your life when you realize that some people aren't suppose to be in your life.

"Go work out some, do yourself a favor." Lana giggled, cocking her head to the side.

And this was one of those times for me.

What have I done to her? Honestly, she was fine at the beginning of the week, and now she just treats me and Josh like she doesn't care anymore.

I hurried away from her, afraid I was going to start crying.

Just as I was making my way up the steps of the bleachers, the game ended. We won by a field goal.

Everyone ran down to the feild, celebrating the first win of the season, and I just ran up to my car.

Maybe those fries will make you fat. She's right, throw it up.

I shuddered at my thoughts, and quickly got into my car.

If only she knew.


As soon as I was home, I ran up to my room, without acknowledging my mother. Thank God my sister was asleep. I wouldn't want her seeing me like this.

I shut and locked my door, and laid on the bed. What did I do to deserve this?

Isn't it obvious? You're in love with her boyfriend. You want to take him from her. That makes you a bad person Aria. Face it, he doesn't like you.

I shut my eyes tight, blocking out the thoughts.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, only to realize that was a mistake.

Two New Messages

Aria, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you. - L

Where are you? You promised you'd be here! I saw you, but you left before I could come up to you.....- J

Great. Just fabulous. The last thing I wanted was for him to text me right now. Or her, for that matter.

It didn't matter how much I loved him at this point, I'm getting over him. I can't keep doing this to myself. Or to Lana.


I avoided Lana and Josh all day Friday, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Thankfully, Levi was there, and we hung out all day. He seemed really excited for our date, and to be honest, I was warming up to the idea of the date as well.

Speaking of the date, it was already 7:50 Pm, and I was almost ready to go.

I threw on a oversized knit sweater over my crop top, and I messed with my hair some. It'll have to do.

I heard a knock on the front door, and I grabbed my purse, practically running out of my room. This was terrifying. Ive spent months trying to avoid the inevitable, and here I am, facing the inevitable; going out with Levi.

I opened up the door, to see a smiling Levi, with his hands in his pockets. "You look great," was the first thing he said, and of course, here I go blushing.

Christine ran up to me, hugging my legs tightly, "Bye sissy have fun!" She giggled. I ruffled her hair, and made my way out to his car.

"So I was thinking, maybe we could go to my place instead and watch a movie. I figured it would be better. We can talk and stuff there, you know?" He said, starting up his car.

Red flag number one.

I nodded, "Yeah that's fine," I shrugged looking out the window.

Wrong move Aria.

After a good twenty minute drive, we pulled up to the same house that the party was hosted in a week ago. Without all the lights, and the loud music, it looked old and cozy. Plus, it was right on the lake. It was perfect.

He led me inside, and into the living room, which looked completely different from the party as well. He turned the T.V on, and flipped to a random movie channel, and sat down next to me on the couch.

It was silent for a while, until he started trying to kiss me.

Red flag number two.

I didn't want him to kiss me, so out if reflex I pushed him away, "Aria, come on, dont be like that," he smirked, trying to kiss me again, this time, locking me in place so I couldn't move.

This is where the red flags make fucking sense.

"Levi, what the fuck is wrong with you, stop," I practically yelled as he started kissing down my neck.

Was I actually going to get raped by him? Was this how I was going to lose my virginity. Great. Also, what kind of a jerk just starts trying to kiss you? He barely spoke to me.

Stop over thinking Aria, just get away from him you idiot.

Sometimes, the voice was helpful I guess.

I pushed him away, and grabbed my purse, and without looking back I ran out of his house. I ran until I couldn't run anymore, and I was barely out of his drive way when he started yelling for me, "Aria! Come back I'm sorry," but I just kept going.

I stopped after I was a little ways from his house, and only then did I realize I was crying. I was too far away from home to walk, and it was dark outside. I pulled out my phone ready to call my mom, but instead my fingers ghosted over Josh's number and I called him instead.

He picked up on the second ring, and I immediately let out a giant sob. Attractive.

"Aria, whats wrong?" He sounded worried. I bit my lip, keeping the crying noises to a minimum, "C-can you come pick me up? I'm about two minutes from Levi's house," I muttered, my voice shaky. He told me he'd be there as soon as possible, and hung up.

You're a fucking idiot Aria. Nice going.


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