Chapter 7

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*Aria's POV*

You know how when you use the expression, "Well, things could be worse, right," and everything actually gets worse? That was my situation at the moment.

Because it started to rain.

I huffed, pushing the wet strands of hair out of my eyes. My makeup started to run down my cheeks, and my lips were trembling. Why did I decide to do this? I knew there was a reason I never told Levi I'd go out with him, but I always thought it was because I didn't like him.

It wasn't doing me any good just standing here, so I decided to start walking towards my house. The rain was picking up harder and harder with every step that I took, and all I wanted to do was scream. It wasn't fair that this happened to me. I tried giving him a chance, and this is what happens.

Finally, I saw headlights in the distance, and my heart lifted. Josh.

The car pulled up next to me and the door flew open, "Fuck Ari, get in," I heard Josh yell over the sound of the rain and his heater. I climbed in, wiping my face in the process, and only then did I notice I was crying. Curse my emotions.

"Ari, what happened?" Josh mumbled, as he pulled over on the side of the road.

Did I want to tell him? Of course I did. I mean, he was my best friend, and I had always confided in him.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and proceeded to tell him what happened at Levi's house. I never looked up at him, because I was too afraid of his expression. I was scared he was going to think I was crazy, or overdramatic.

With every word I spoke, my heart sped up. Just talking about it made me shutter. I know nothing really happened, but he forced himself on me.

To my surprise, Josh reached over and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly, "It's okay Ari, I'm going to get you home, and I'm not leaving your side, okay?"

Leave it to Josh to turn a bad situation into sweet gestures, "What about Lana?"

The way it came out sounded like I hated her. I practically hissed at her name, "She can get over herself for once in her life. You need me," he smiled, as he pulled back onto the road.

I love you.


*Josh's POV*

As I pulled up to her house, I noticed no one was home, and that my fists were clenched around the steering wheel. I heard Ari sigh from beside me, completely checked out from the world, "Ari, we're here," I said softly, taking her hand in mine for the second time tonight. As cliche as it sounded, it just felt right.

She glanced down at our hands, and her cheeks lit up, "Oh, I didn't even notice. Thanks for the ride Josh," she mumbled, fumbling around to find her purse.

"You dont think I'm just going to leave you here alone are you?" I questioned, unbuckling my seatbelt, "I dont think that be very kind of me," I teased. She looked up, and out the window, staring at her lifeless house. No lights were on, and the car was gone, "Oh yeah, mom had to work night shift, and my sister is at my dads, but its okay. You can go home if you dont want to stay with me," she breathed out, sounding defeated.

It took everything in me not to kiss her. To make her forget.

I got out of the car, and made my way to her door to open it for her, "Well arent you a gentleman?" She laughed, stepping out of my car.

How could she smile and joke so much after tonight? Granted, I could tell her smile was mostly fake, but still. How could she be so strong?

I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket constantly, no doubt it was Lana. I pulled my phone phone out, and turned it off. Tonight I need to focus on Ari. She needs me.

We made our way inside, and she started flipping on the lights. She's still afraid of the dark I'm guessing. I smiled to myself, remembering our late night conversations back in middle school and the summer before highschool where she'd make me talk to her until she fell asleep, because the dark was "scary."

I followed her up to her room, shutting the door behind us on the way in. Her room was pretty plain, with tons of books on shelves all over the room. She was always an avid reader, "Hey," she said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I'm going to go get a shower really quick. This rain water is freezing." I could only nod, barely registering her words, as I was too busy taking in her room.
Her room was immaculately clean, and everything was organized down to her books being in alphabetical order by the author's name. Her curtains were a deep burgandy color, and they were pulled back, letting the street lamp outside shine in though her window. Her desk was piled with textbooks from school, so I'm guessing she's going to be doing some hardcore studying tomorrow night.

I heard Aria clear her throat, and I looked up to see her in nothing but a lavender colored towel. Her hair was wet, and curling at the ends, and little drips of water were falling off and running down her arms, "If you would be so kind as to turn around so I can change," she trailed off, her cheeks tinting red again. I nodded, turning around on her bed, "You know," she started, as she opened a drawer, "You didn't have to come stay with me tonight. I'm a big girl," she laughed.

"Ari, I wanted to," I smiled, even though she clearly couldn't see me, "Okay, you can turn around."

I stood up, making my way over to her, "You know Ari, just because Lana can't stand me being out if her sight for two seconds, doesn't mean I can't be here for you," I choked on the last word, feeling my heart sink.

I had I tell her everything. Impulsive decision, I know, but I had to tell her.

"Ari, I need to talk to you."


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