Chapter 4

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*Josh's POV*

My eyes burned into hers. She was the most beautiful girl my eyes ever had the pleasure of seeing.

I shook my head, quickly asked if she was okay, and bolted from her house.

If you ask me, I think life has a very mysterious way of presenting emotions to you. One minute, you're completely infatuated with one person, and the next, you're hoping for another. I guess that's how'd you describe how I feel at the moment.

Lana and I were the "it" couple. Everyone either wanted one of us, or wanted their relationship to be like ours, but I dont understand why. Our relationship was filled with control and untrustworthiness. Lana consumed my entire being, so much to where I'm not sure if I was myself anymore or not. She had complete control of me, and my actions, and I went along with it just because she would get her feelings hurt, and cause trouble.

Little did Lana know, I've always been hopelessly in love with her best friend.

To be quite honest, Ari and I had been friends a while before I ever met Lana. Aria was my bestfriend to be exact, and she told me everything, and it was the same for me. She confided in me, relied on me, and trusted me with her entire life, and once Lana came around I got taken.

Lana was pretty, and I was a fifteen year old boy who thought he knew what he wanted. Obviously I didn't. I had always liked Aria, but I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had. I guess I ruined it anyways for pratically leaving her for Lana.

I know I haven't "left her," but I mean, we dont get any time together anymore. We cant hang out alone without Lana flipping her shit. 

Here lately, I've given up on making Lana happy. Its almost impossible.

Once I made it home, guess who's car was in the driveway.


What the hell was she doing at my house?

I walked into my house and she was sitting on my white leather couch. No one else was here either, so I guess my mom had let her in and went out. She had a rather angry expression on her face, and I really didn't want to deal with her at the moment, "Lana, what are you doing here?"

She stood up, and walked, correction, stomped towards me, "Joshua Andrews, where the hell have you been?" She practically yelled in my face. I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my calm, "Lana, I was with Aria working on our project for English," I breathed out, struggling to keep my composure.

When did she get the right to come to my house and yell at me for no reason? I would semi-understand if I had done something wrong, but this is insane, "Why were with her alone? What did I tell you about being with a girl alone without me? Just because she's our friend doesn't make her an exception!"

She was actually crazy. What the hell.

"Lana, leave now. You're being irrational, and I'm not dealing with your bossy ass attitude today," I rolled my eyes. What kind of a friend was she towards Aria. A pretty shitty one I guess.

She stared at me for a while before biting her lip, "I'm sorry Josh, its just...I'm scared I'll lose you," she studdered.

"So you come to my house, yell at me with hanging out with one of my best friends, and think its okay, because it isn't. You can't have everything go your way," I rubbed my temples, sighing, "Just go Lana, we'll talk about this sometime else. I'm not in the mood."

She nodded, kissed my cheek and left.

I went up to my room, and laid on the bed, reflecting on the past few years.

How in the hell had I picked Lana over her. She's perfect, and I let her go. I never even had her, but I let her slip away.

I have to break up with Lana.


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