Chapter one

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: Look out! A wild Fanficiton has appeared!
Hey guys! I'm back, sorry for not updating my last fanfiction ("Forever by your side") as soon as I'd promised, but I was really stuck on how to start the next chapter, on top of that it is under two months until my AS exam...which are kind of a big deal! So, I'm going to be taking some time away from fanfiction; I might write soemthign over the Easter break, but it is unlieky since I should be revising, but once my AS exams are over I should be back to writing over the summer holidays (July and August) - Thank you so much for being patient and so kind.
Of course, I have this lovely little piece of writing for you, Ghostbusters has been a love of mine since I was about 4 years old, and since I absolutley hate the idea of the all female reboot, I just had to write a fanfiction based on the original films. I've planned this one out and am putting a lot of work into it, so hopefully it's good and hopefully you'll enjoy it. It probably won't be any more than five chapters.
And a HUGE shout out to my beta reader LucyFire Ten for checking for spelling erros and helping me out, I couldn't have done it without you!

Into Darkness

Chapter one

The room Egon sat in was cramped and cluttered, his over-used desk was lit with a hard, white light. He was hunched over piles of paper with endless scribbles of scientific and mathematical formulas that would be completely nonsensical to most people; his glasses lay on the very edge of his nose - ready to fall at any moment. He scratched his head with fearful frustration before letting out a hopeless sigh. Egon sat back, staring down at his work; he'd been working for hours, yet at this point it all seemed pointless; he hadn't solved anything and was just bouncing between the same useless solutions.

Janine hadn't received a call in two days - which had unnerved the entire team, in their experience when things went quiet only two things could happen: scared citizens would regain their confidence and before they knew it they'd be in court again, or something big was right around the corner, something big enough to threaten the life of every single New Yorker. Egon had hoped that after Vigo and the Psychomagnotheric slime they'd seen the worst of the paranormal world, but he had an eerie sensation that he couldn't seem to shake, like some kind of hoarse voice in the back of his mind that just kept telling him to be on edge and to watch his back. He sighed again.

It made him tense, like he was about to crack, and seeing so many numbers and symbols staring back at him caused him to scrunch his face up with irritation and despair.

"Pull it together, Egon..." he muttered to himself in the most minute tone possible.

Of course, Egon seemed perfectly fine on the outside. Reserving his strong emotions had always been a talent of his - granted, it occasionally made him appear rude or platonic, but he always felt that some things were more important. Over the past couple of days, however, not showing his concern had been a challenge for him. He just wanted everyone to stay safe.

It was then that he heard the door open with a timid creak, and by the light footsteps he could tell - without even turning around - that it was Janine. He turned and cast his plain gaze over her, noticing immediately that she was carrying a steaming coffee mug in her hand.

"Hi, Egon... you've been up here for a while so I thought I'd bring you a coffee."

He flashed her a warm smile, that same smile that always made Janine's face light up. Egon took the coffee from her and felt comfort from the warmth of the mug.

"Thank you, Janine," he replied with genuine happiness.

He looked back up at her and their eyes locked together, their gaze strong. There had been some kind of tension between them for years now, and a lot of it. Even Egon had noticed it. In fact, he was pretty sure that everyone else had too. The way they would often exchange a meaningful gaze, the gentle touches that never quite made it, or even when they found themselves in situations that lead to them inevitably share tender moments. If Egon had believed in fate he would have called it that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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