Same Mistakes (A Niall One Direction Fan Fic)

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"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" My best friend, Jill, screamed.

"What?" I asked her not peeling my eyes away from the singing beauty on my phone.

"Katia! THIS IS FUCKING SERIOUS!" She started slapping at me.

"Grrr! What???" I swiveled my head up to face her but soon regretted it.

Her face was whiter than usual. One hand tightly gripped her bag. The other was frantically searching through her bag.

"JILL!" I screamed at her.

"I... I... The One Direction backstage passes were stolen!" She was in tears.

"Oh my god! Okay Jill deep breaths DEEP breaths. At least we still have the front row concert tickets right?" I asked her while I tried to hold back my own mini panic attack.

I looked up into her bright blue eyes as she searched her bag. Her face went even paler then before. I didn't even think it was possible.

"Dude..." I started.

We made a long unbreakable eye contact and then it came. I knew it was coming. We just came from the One Direction movie and we were on our way to the concert. But here we are in front of the movie theater and we both just collapse onto the concrete and start crying our eyes out.


"IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!" I choked out.

By now we were leaning up against the wall of the theater wearing our One Direction merchandise and crying our eyes out.

"Are you two okay?" A british accent spoke.

I was to embarrassed to look up but I saw Jill's head shoot up.

"You're... You're... You're..." She kept stuttering.

"SHHHH!" He spoke again. "Come with me."

We both got up and followed the mysterious man.

"Jill, are you sure this is safe?" I whispered to her.

By now we were in a dark alley and there was only one side door. The stranger whipped around and made eye contact with Jill.

"So your name is Jill? Huh." He asked.

You could see the brown curls poking out of his hoodie and his striking green orbs sitting in his eye sockets.

"OMG! You're... You're... You're..." I stuttered like Jill.

"You're... YOU!" Jill said.

He chuckled at her response.

"Yes. Yes I am."

You could see the love radiating off these two.

"Hi! I'm Katia." I said breaking the silence.

I stuck out my hand for Harry Styles to shake but as we were about to shake hands the side door burst open reviling another boy in a hoodie.

"Harry we have to go now!" His thick Irish accent said, as he flew through the doorway.

You could see random strands of blonde hair sticking out and striking blue orbs coming out.

We made this unbreakable eye contact and just stood there for what seemed like forever. I didn't get out of my trance until Jill squeezed my hand.

"Do you guys want to watch the concert from backstage?" Harry asked.

"Yes!" We both squealed.

The two boys chuckled at us.

"By the way I'm Katia!" I said out loud to no one in particular.

They brought us back stage and we stood at the edge and watched as they all ran onto the stage. Niall was smiling nice and big and so was Harry. The first song on the list was Little Things. They were about to start singing when Niall shouted,

"WAIT! I want someone special to be out here when I sing this."

Niall turned to me and I swear my heart skipped a couple beats.


I just froze in my place.

<<<No no no no, I can't go out there.>>> I thought to myself.

Then I was pushed from behind and a spotlight turned on me. I turned around to see a smiling Jill.

"Come here Katia."

Niall had me sit down in a chair and he sang Little Things to me all by himself. At the end of the song he got down on one knee and looked me in the eyes and said,

"Katia will you be my princess?"

"Yes! Of course!" You answered.

You heard a lot of 'awwww's and cheering. But then you started to hear hate. Things like 'Niall why are you with her?' And 'she's so ugly I'm way better.'

You started to cry at the harsh remarks but Niall took your face in his hands and wiped away your tears.

"Don't worry, princess. They're just jealous." He whispered to you then he leaned in and kissed in front of thousands maybe even millions of people.

And now to this day you can officially say that meeting him three years ago was the best thing ever. And it was definitely love at first sight.

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