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It's been awhile now since I said goodbye to Peggy. However, I think I have moved on. I currently have a girlfriend, Violet, who is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She's a nurse and acted as one of my physical therapists for my leg. She made me feel like myself again. At first, I didn't consider her my type because I like the sassy women who know what they want and enjoy danger. But I still love her very much.

The SSR has started a new case. One about a lady who was frozen in a lake during the heat wave. I called Thompson to send someone over to help. Im just really happy we finally have a new case to work on. I'd like some more adventure in my life.

****next day****
Thompson's agent should be arriving any minute now. Thompson told me that he had the perfect man for the job. I really hope he didn't send me someone who doesn't know what they're doing just to mess with me. That would be something Thompson would do. I started getting the information organized and someone approached behind me.

"Ahem", said the person

I turned around and almost fell over. It was Peggy. She looked like an angel with her perfect face and the light from the window shining behind her. I just had to stare at her in disbelief because Thompson said he had a MAN for the job.

"....uh Peggy! Hi." I said awkwardly.

She smiled. "Good to see you Daniel. Thompson said you requested me to help you on a case?"

Oh. Did he. I wouldn't know now would I? Oh Thompson.... I knew something was up.

"Uh yeah, thanks for helping out." I said.

"Of course", she said with a smile. Her smile dropped from her face. "I know you're busy being the chief, but I did call you on several occasions...", Peggy said.

"Yeah I know. I've just been....busy".

After I left, she called me almost every day to check up on me. I loved our phone calls. About a week into it, I realized why I left in the first place. To move on. I stopped picking up the phone, and eventually she stopped calling. 

An agent interrupted us and said we should come to the lab. The frozen girl was in the room and despite having tons of heat lamps around, the room was freezing. Her body also glows in the dark. Instead of being frozen in ice, it's an entirely different substance.

Peggy and I headed over to Isodyne Energy, a company that might be linked to what has happened.

Peggy's P.O.V.

Once we get to Isodyne energy, we met an annoying lady at the front desk. She keeps asking what she can help us with and I swear I will punch her. I see the door where all the scientists go behind her. Sousa sees it the same time I do. We make eye contact and it was as if we can communicate just through eye contact. He turns to start flirting with her (as part of our silent agreement). Meanwhile, I sneak behind the desk and get into the door. Daniel and I work like clock work. We have similar ideas and know exactly how to help each other. I really missed working with him. A scientist comes out of a door. He immediately makes eye contact with me. He smiles and asks me a question.

"How would you like to be amazed?", he ask.

I followed him to his lab and he had a machine set up. He got it started and it produced a liquid. He told me to try it. I tasted it. It was wine. The best wine I've ever tasted.

"It's the best wine you've ever tasted right?", he asked

"I'm more of a whiskey girl", I say with a smile.
He introduces himself as Jason Wilkes. I was so intrigued by his smile and excitement about his invention that I forgot about the reason I came momentarily.
I showed Jason a picture of the frozen lady, and he recognized her as Jane Scott, a former Isodyne colleague and particle physicist. "Let's just say," Jason said, "That she had a very close relationship with the owner of Isodyne Energy, Calvin Chadwick." Hinting that they were sleeping together I guess. The lady at the front desk came back and found me and kicked me out.

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