Stay With Me

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Peggy's P.O.V.

I was still shaking from my haunting dream when I got up to get ready for the day. I looked in the mirror to find that I had faint bruises on my neck from last night. I went downstairs and found Jarvis tinkering with something.

"Ah Miss Carter! Good morning. How did you sleep?", Jarvis asked.

I looked down at the floor as the memories of my loved one's screams filled my ears. I shook my head to release those terrifying thoughts.

"Fine", I said quickly and sharply.
"What are you working on?", I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh yes. This is a new security system designed for not only our safety, but yours as well", Jarvis said happily. He pressed a button. It started saying some ridiculous things. It was Jarvis' voice and he was calm and polite. It essentially asked the intruder to leave.

"Terrifying", I said smiling, slightly teasing him. He seemed quite happy with it and I decided not to step on his moment.

I headed to the lab to find Howard and Jason talking about zero matter.

"Peg! How ya feeling?", Howard asks.

"I'm fine. How's everything going?", I asked.

"Well, I'm going to Peru today. I'm meeting with one of my old professors. I'm hoping he can help us get Jason here into tangible form. Maybe he'll have some hot female students", Howard said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes.

He didn't seem to notice and he walked out, patting me on the back on his way out. Leaving me alone with Jason.

I walked over to him. He looked dazed and was staring off somewhere.

"Jason?" My words snapped him back into reality. "Is something wrong?"

"Umm...Peggy, I need to leave", he said.

"What? Why?", I asked.

"I'm so useless! All I'm doing is putting you...and everyone else in danger. I need to leave before I make everything worse. I have to leave for your safety", he said, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Jason. No. You're not putting anyone in any more danger. We all signed up for this. I'm going to help you. Howard is going to figure out a way to help you. And I'm sure that two brilliant scientists can solve this", I said smilingly.

He gave me a shy smile. But he still didn't look convinced.

"Please", I said. "Stay with me".

This time he flashed his white smile.
"Alright. I'll stay. However, I still believe I am putting you in serious danger.....but you don't want me to leave, so that's reason enough for me to stay", he said looking up at me. He took a step closer.

I blushed, looking away. Why have I been blushing so much? It is quite embarrassing. Jason knows very well how to be charming.

"Good", I said. I nodded awkwardly and left. I wanted to get closer to him. Feel him next to me. Sadly, He is not tangible and touching him was not possible at this point.

I had another vivid, real life dream that night. I was in a fancy restaurant. I looked down at myself. I was in a bright red dress. I looked across the table and a man was sitting across from me. I didn't know who he was yet. His looks changed every time I looked at him. We were talking over wine and laughing. I can't remember what we were talking about, but I felt content. Happy even. Happier than I've been in a long while. He escorted me out of the restaurant, holding open the door from me on our way out. We were walking along the sidewalk, hand in hand, when he turned to face me. The man had a clear face now. It was Daniel. I got butterflies the instant I saw him. He had his hands on my hips and was leaning in closer to me. I smiled as I realized what his intention was. I leaned in as well. I blinked once and suddenly it was not Daniel. It was Jason. I can't say that I was disappointed to see him. He was leaning in to kiss me, taking the place of Daniel. I looked one last time and I could not decipher who I was looking at. It was one of those dreams where you are with someone but you can't really distinguish who exactly they are. It was as though they mixed into one being.

"Stay with me", I said.

I blinked once more. I opened my eyes and Daniel....or Jason had vanished. Confusion set in as I looked around. There was not a person in sight.

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