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Peggy's P.O.V.

"Oops I'm so sorry", I said, wiping off the mayonnaise off of some paper work. "I'm starved", I said, smiling.

I looked up at Jason. He was smiling at me. He didn't seem to mind that I was dropping food on his paperwork.

"I miss food", Jason said longingly.

"Oh that's right! You haven't eaten in days", I said.

"Well I'm not actually hungry. I don't have any sense of my body at all actually", Jason said.

He still is not tangible. Which makes it incredibly hard for me. I like being close to him, but I can't actually feel his body next to mine or give him a reassuring touch. It's quite frustrating.

To get my mind off of my frustration, I brought up Whitney frost. We had a full length discussion on how smart she is.

"I'm a genius", Jason said jokingly, "she defies categorization".


I sent Jarvis off to investigate Chadwick's campaign headquarters. He came back to the car and sat down.

"I got this for you, miss Carter", Jarvis said. He handed me a button for Chadwick's election.

"Oh, wonderful", I said. I immediately threw it out the window. Jarvis looked offended.

A car in front of us caught my eye. It was Chadwick getting into his car. I saw his driver.

"Jarvis do you see that man's hand?", I asked.

"Oh yes, looks like a broken hand", Jarvis said, making an innocent observation.

"Mr Jarvis, I shot a man's hand the other night. He has a bandage over the same hand I shot at. That's the attacker".

Jarvis looked frightened after I told him that. He wasn't frightened for himself, however. Something tells me he doesn't want me to be attacked so severely again.

"We need to follow them", I said.

"Oooh are we going to attack him? I brought a tranquilizer rifle", Jarvis said, excited.

I looked at him confused.

"What? Mr. Stark's koala has a vile temperament", Jarvis said.

We found Chadwick's house eventually. It wasn't anything special. I went to hide in the backyard while Jarvis got him to come outside.

Jarvis put on his best American accent. "THIS IS THE POLICE OPEN UP", Jarvis yelled. The woman living next to him looked at him shocked and confused.
"Go back inside ma'am".


There was a rustling in his house as he came running out his back door, just as planned. I shot him with the tranquilizer gun but he didn't budge.

"What are you, a rhino??", I asked.

He came at me. He punched me and kicked me to the ground. He was on top of me as I tried to reach the tranquilizer gun. I reached it and shot him again. He still didn't pass out or quit. Jarvis pulled him off of me and they began fist fighting. Jarvis was hit in the face and stumbled. I shot The man one last time and he finally collapsed to the ground. Somehow in the confusion Jarvis got hit with the tranquilizer gun too.

I looked at him fidgeting as I caught my breath.

"are you alright?" I asked Jarvis.

"Jarvelous!", Jarvis said before passing out.

I grunted. Now I have to get both of the men in the car.

I dragged the man and stuffed him in the trunk. Then I dragged Jarvis into the passenger seat and he went limp against the door.

I drove back to the Stark residence to find a car waiting for me. Adrenaline was still pumping through my veins, but then Sousa stepped out of the car. Just the sight of him instantly calmed my nerves. But then I remembered that I have a hostage in my trunk...

I approach Daniel casually.

"Hey Pegs, here's the file I've put together on Whitney frost", Daniel said with a slight smile.

"Oh yes, thank you. I shall look this over immediately", I said quickly while rushing to the door.

Daniel grabbed my arm before I could get away.

"Pegs what's going on?", Daniel asked.

Before I could answer, he caught sight of Jarvis with his mouth hanging open, pressed against the car door.

"What's wrong with Jarvis?", Daniel asked.

"Oh just an overindulgence of drink", I said, trying to cover up.

Daniel looked at me, knowing that that would not be a Jarvis thing to do.

He walked closer, letting go of my arm. I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't. Suddenly there was a banging in the trunk. Good heavens! How is that man awake already??

"What's in the trunk Peggy", Daniel asked.

"Oh yes, we've caught a possum! Yes. We put him in the trunk", I said trying to cover up.

"Hey! Let me out of here", the man in the trunk said.

Daniel looked at me, angry and disappointed.

"Okay, maybe I have a hostage in the back of the vehicle..."

"What were you thinking?!", Daniel exclaimed.

We were in the living room. We had Jarvis on the couch, sleeping peacefully except for the occasional mumble.

"This is a felony!" Daniel said.

"Felony? That's harsh", I said.

He stared at me until I admitted it.
"Okay I may have committed a small felony,but I was doing what needed to be done", I said, defending myself.

"You could have at least called me for backup!", Daniel exclaimed.

He's right. I could have asked him for help. We're great partners. I've always known that, but it just reminds me how well we could work together if we were something more than partners. Daniel loves Violet. And I can't stand being with him him without being with him.
It just hurts me and it's all I can focus on. I've just been shutting him out so I don't have to think about it.

Daniel took a step closer to me. He looked up at me with his big, warm, brown eyes in the most irresistible way.

"I can't help you if you keep pushing me away".

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