Where did my dreams go?

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Where did my dreams go?

I used to be full of passion and youth

Until I learned the cold, hard truth

What I once hoped for has now been lost

But, good lord, at what cost?

I find no joy in things I used to love

Now my dreams are going undreamed of

That spark inside me, that fire, that light

Is slowly dimming and it fills me with fright

There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

To have just one more moment with you

My old passion, my childhood dream

Feels like it's being ripped apart at the seam

I know now that I must be realistic

My dreams are just dreams, I say pessimistic

You can't get a job doing the things you enjoy

I can't do the things I dreamt of doing as a boy

Practicality is something I strive for

Logic and reasoning I do not ignore

But sometimes you just have to live a little

Allow yourself to dream and get an acquittal

Who can blame you for dreaming sometime?

Surely that's not considered a crime?

Maybe it's just that I'm young and foolish

But surely you wouldn't come out fruitless?

If I follow my dreams, stay humble, work hard

And always strive to stay avant garde

Then maybe I surely could make a living

And allow myself to not feel this feeling

This feeling I'm feeling is not something new

It's always been with me, that much is true

Although I feel it grow stronger each day

As I'm aging, I feel like I'm aging away

I guess that's just part of growing up

You try and try hard, but it's never enough

One day you will see and "well done" you will say

But for now my dreams are just dreams, and I guess that's okay

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