part 1

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Talia Pov

I lay on the sand. I have been stranded here for a day. This was not supposed to happen. I stand up and cover my top half where I had ripped my shirt trying to hold on to the boat when the storm had sunk my little boat. I had a bra on but I still felt weird and naked. I look around when I spot a ship in the distance but it was a scary looking one. I run into the tree line and climb a tree. The ship is still a fair distance. I can see little boats making their way to the shore line. "Get whatever supplies we need! We will be here for a couple days!" I hear someone shout.

I look and see all the men going in a complete different direction. I carefully climb down the tree and hide behind a bush. I peek out and see two scary guys. They were very tall. They were tanned to perfection. None of the men were wearing shirts and all of them were built. Damn. The two scary guys looked to have blue and grey eyes. Their hair was dark. They were perfect. One of them looked my way. I quickly hid behind the bush again. I gotta get out of here. I run into the forest as I hear someone shout. I bolted until I nearly fell off a cliff. Oh shit. I look around and saw the guys getting close. I looked at the distance between this side of the cliff and the other. I could make it. If not there is water down there. I step back to get a run up.

I take a few breaths and then run to the edge, jumping at the last minute. I grasp onto the edge and pull myself up. I lool back and saw them there. They were getting ready to jump. I turn back around and sprint. I run through the trees and bushes. The branches ripping my clothes more. Oh, yeah I forgot to say. I'm a gypsy kinda. I trip over a root and the next thing I know is I am in a net hanging in the air. "Hey! Where did she go?! The captins are gonna kill us!" I placed my hands over my mouth to stop my screaming. I felt something touch my other hand that was holding onto the net. I looked over and saw a snake. I couldnt hold it. I screamed "help! Help me! It's gonna eat me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please!" I close my eyes shut tight and tears stream down my face.

"Get her down!" Someone yelled. I felt the net fall. I crawled out of it and got up to run but an arm grabbed my waist. I flung myself around. "Let me go! Please!" I am pushed up against a tree by the throat. My hands holding onto them. "Who are you? Are you a spy? Maybe a thief? You look like one. I should take you with me" I look away from him and more tears come. He was one of the scary guys I saw earlier. He had grey eyes. My legs sank and the only thing holding me was his hand around my neck and my hands holding his hand.

He finally released my neck and I fell to my knees. My hands went straight to covering my head. "Ahh, captin? Why dont we take her and use her as our toy? Her body is great. And she already looks like a whore" I hear one of the men. My hands shot to covering my chest and I pushed my body back into the tree. My legs up to my chest.

The next thing a gunshot rang through the air. I looked up and saw a guy fall to the ground "you maybe a spy, or thief but a man should never call a woman a whore unless we know if you are an enemy" grey eyes says. He grabs my upper arm and starts walking. I struggle in his hold. "Get off me! Stop! Please" I yell.

I quickly bring my face down and bite his hand. He yells then slaps me in the face making me fall to the ground. I quickly get up and run. I run until I stop dead in my tracks once spotting the black panther in the distance. It's eyes come in contact with mine. It slowly stalks towards me. I start stepping to the side. I bump into a tree so I start walking back when I bump into another tree. It gets right up to my legs. I close my eyes ready for it to eat me but I feel something soft nudge my legs. I open my eyes and see the panther nudging its head on my knees. I kneel down and hesitantly reach my hand up and pat it.

It purs and leans against me. I smile and hug it. Patting it more until I realise I was running from the scary guys. I hear a gunshot and then the panther roar. I startled back then realised he didnt roar at me. I saw blood dripping down its stomach. I screamed and ran to it. I ripped my top off fully. I tried to get the panther to lie down but it refused. "Come on, please!" I hear another gunshot and see the panther fall. "No stop! Please!" I cried turning to the men. I turned back and put pressure on the wound. I kissed the panthers head "come on. You will make it. Please stay with me" tears ran down my face. His stomach stopped rising and his eyes slowly closed. I screamed "no, no, no. Come back. Open your eyes please!" I clung onto his fur. I kissed his head repeatedly. I stop and hug his body.

I abruptly stood up and walked up to grey eyes. "This is your fault! He didnt do anything! I dont know you or why your here but I hate you!" I started punching him. I am thrown over his shoulder. He starts walking away and I look up at the panther. "I hate you" I whispered broken.

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