Meeting the neighbors

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       It was a brand new start, you had just left from home 12 hours ago, and moved into this new house. Mom asked that you call her as soon as you get there, but you weren't in the mood to talk to her right now. Not until you unpack everything. The movers had just finished moving all the furniture in, so that was fine, but you had to fold ALL of your clothes and put them into the cabinets and such. It was very exciting since they were all brand new clothes. Your mom supported your move and brand new life, so she paid for everything you needed. Man, you couldn't wait to live the life of an adult. No more parents to nag about chores, no more curfews, and no more limits! You could do what you want now! Gee, you've been yearning for this day, you've always wondered what it was like to live in your own house.

         You started to fold your clothes and put them in the closet. It's been a few hours, so there were less boxes. You hummed your favorite song as you did it, and was quite joyful.
"Aaaaaaand done!" You chirped, hanging your final coat. Wow, done already, how wonderful! Hm, that can't be all you have to do though. The house may be clean, but you should greet your neighbors. How would you greet them though? Just walk right up to their door and say "HEY, I'M YOUR NEW NEIGHBOR, HOW'S IT GOING, BUDDY???"
No, no, think of something more appropriate. You're an adult now, you have to think for yourself.
Or not, you can text your mom for her opinion. It's never bad to ask for advice.
The Texts:

You: [ Hey mom, how should I greet the neighbors? ]
(2 minutes later...)
You: [ Oh, uh, I was busy putting things away.]
Mom: [ You chose doing your chores over talking to me?! I told you to call me! ]
Mom: [ I know you're an adult now, but I'm still your mother! I hope you won't be like those people that just put their parents in those old people homes... ]
You: [ Calm down, don't worry, I won't do that.]
Mom: [ Yeah, yeah, that's what you say now, but you'll probably do it later.]
You: [ Ok, ok, but how should I greet my neighbors?]
Mom: [ Oh, so you're completely ignoring the topic? No no, we're talking about this.]

          You sigh and put your phone away. Guess she won't be any help. Hm, maybe you should have a little party? Nah, the crowd would be overwhelming, it's better to talk to them one at a time. Maybe after you get to know them a little better. Ah, how about baking cookies? It's better than going empty handed! Yes, that sounds like a good idea! You start to make some cookie dough, and put it in the oven.

-9 minutes later-

          Cookies are done, now to wrap them in plastic and put a bow on top. You nod your head in approval. " Smart choice, (y/n)! You're gonna be a great responsible adult!" You think to yourself. You put on a black coat and step outside. The clouds were a calm blue. The trees turned into what looked like black cracks in the sky. It was a bit cold, and there was a slight breeze. It was getting dark, so you better hurry up. You look around and think of which house to go to first. They all pretty much look the same... Just go to the one closest to you. As you walked closer, you could hear loud laughter and someone yelling. Ah gee, you hoped you didn't move next to serial killers. You began to have second thoughts, but when you looked through the window, they just looked like a bunch of young guys sitting on the couch and watching tv. The yelling must've been from the tv. "Huh, well, that's good." You thought to yourself, still walking towards their house. Looking closer, you could see 3 people sitting down and laughing at the tv. One had brown hair and a green sweatshirt, he was drinking Coke while laughing. He spat it everywhere, which no one seemed to mind. Sitting to the left of him was a guy without eyes...? He wore a dark blue sweater, and looked like he didn't give a shit about what was playing on the tv. He drank some alcoholic drink and sighed. Then there was a guy wearing pink and green, he had orange hair and a big chin.
"What a bunch of characters..." You whispered under your breath.
"Yes, I agree." Someone said from behind you. You turn around to see who it was and saw some guy in a red hoodie, with caramel colored hair. It was so spiky it looked like a pitchfork.
"Oh, uh, hello, who are you...?" You asked awkwardly.
" I am new neighbor, I just moved in."
"Oh really, where do you live?"
"Right over there." He said, gesturing to the house next to yours, except it wasn't the one those 3 lived in. It was on the right of your house. The house with those 3 were on the left.
" Oh! Well, um, I just moved in too! I live right next to you, I'm to the left of your house. I was just about to go to this house and give them cookies. Say, do you want some?" You said, taking a cookie bag from your purse. He looked at it and looked back at you.
"What flavor?" He asked.
"Well, y'know, the basics... Chocolate chip."
"Sure, I'll have some." He said snatching a bag and opening one to eat it.
"So, what's your name?" You asked.
"My name is Tord, and you?" He said taking another bite. He didn't seem to have a reaction to the taste, so you stopped paying close attention. You wanted to know if he liked it, because it was your first time making cookies.
"Name's (y/n), welcome to the neighborhood!" You said, holding out your hand. He looked at it and kept his hand in his pockets.
"You too." He said, finishing the cookie.
You slowly put your hand back to your side and laughed awkwardly.
"Ha, well...Um, see ya later I guess..." You said, turning to go to the house you were initially planning to go to. He waved at you and said "Goodbye, neighbor!" You waved back and went to the other door. You stare anxiously at the door bell. Man, communicating with people was hard. It was already awkward with that "Tord" guy. You looked back to see if he was there, but he was gone. You look back at the door bell and press it.
"Oh~, someone's here!" One of them squealed.
"Tom, can you get the door?" Someone said.
"Please, this is my favorite part of the movie, I don't want to miss it!"
"That's too bad."

After a few seconds, someone showed up and opened the door. They stared at you and waited for you to talk.
"H-Hi, I'm your new neighbor, my name's (y/n)... I baked some cookies..." You said.
He looked down at your purse and saw the bags of cookies.
"OOOOHHH, COOKIES!!!" He yelled, reaching into your purse.
This surprised you, you didn't expect him to just reach in there and take some. Well, whatever, they were for him anyways.
"What? Someone brought cookies?!?" Someone else yelled.
Soon after, the man with orange hair appeared at the door and gazed at your purse.
"Yes, hi, I'm-" before you could finish, he took some and hugged it. Crumbling them up into crumbs. The green guy was eating them with his mouth open and getting stuff everywhere. Wow, they were loud people. Soon enough, that eyeless man came and glared at them.
"Hey, you can't just eat them! Don't we have to pay for those?!" He said, snatching the cookie bags away.
"Actually, I'm your new neighbor, I've baked those for you." You smiled.
"Ah, is that so," He said, dropping the bags,
" Well, welcome to the neighborhood. Thanks for the cookies." He added, slamming the door. You stayed there for a moment and eventually left. God, this was a disaster. You looked down into your purse and saw that there was only 3 cookie bags left. At least you had some left for the other houses... You go to the house next to those 3 guys and ring the doorbell. A loud song is played and a cranky man shows up at the door.
"I'm not buyin' any of your Girl Scout cookies, now get outta here." He said, about to slam the door. You put your foot in between the doorway and the door to stop it. You wince at the pain, but hide it. He crushed all your toes!!!
"A-Actually...I'm not selling cookies, you see, I just moved here... I'm giving cookies away to my new neighbors..." You said in a strained voice. Damn it, why'd he have to slam the door so hard!
"Oh really... Well hand 'EM over." He said.
You blinked rapidly and reached into your purse, handing him a bag. He stuffs the bag into his back pocket and looks inside your purse.
"Well, aren't ya gonna give me more? I can see you have 2 more bags in there." He said pointing to them.
"Oh, I-I was saving them for the others..." You said nervously.
"Trust me, I'm about the only person here that deserves cookies. Just give 'em all to me." He sneered. You sighed. All of these neighbors were annoying. It'd be best if you just stopped giving cookies to people and not deal with anyone else for the rest of the night.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." You sighed, throwing the bags into his hands.
"Are these chocolate chip cookies or what?" He asked, observing them. You turned around to leave and said " Yeah."


You jump onto your bed and exhale. Man, what a rough day. You had to fly over here on a plane, unpack and greet your neighbors. It's about time you got some sleep. You sighed and pulled the sheets over your head and turned over, starting to fall asleep. Then you remembered that red sweater guy. He's the only person who's name you knew. Ugh, the others didn't bother introducing themselves. Probably the only normal one in this place. Maybe you should talk to him again tomorrow. For now, you had to catch some Z's.

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