The Sleepover

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           You reached into the cabinets and saw that you had two bags of potato chips, so you brought them to the living room.
"Hey guys, since you're staying here, would you like to have some snacks?" You asked; dangling the bag in front of them. The only ones that seemed to care about having some snacks were Edd and Matt. "Oh, Oh, do you happen to have any Cola???" He asked, running towards your fridge. Meanwhile Matt took the bag from you and began to eat. He tried talking with the food in his mouth, but Tom stopped him.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting." He said, covering his mouth. Matt said something in defense, but no one could tell what he said. Edd came back with two cans of Coke and sat down on the armrest of the chair Tom was sitting on.
"So... How's it going...?" You asked; Things were getting awkward, so you might as well spark up a conversation.
"Today I caught a little goldfish!" Matt yelled with pride. "Yeah, we left it in the car, I don't think it's going to last..." Edd said, opening the Coke and taking a sip.

                 -Awkward Silence-

       " Hey, I know, how about we play a drinking game?" You said, getting up to go get some cups. " That actually isn't a bad idea." Tom said. " Ok, but I'm only going to drink Coke!" Edd yelled. "No, that's not how it works. If you don't drink alcohol, then what's the use of playing it." Tom said. "Eeeeh, but I don't like alcohol!!! My one and only is Cola!" Edd complained. "Come on Edd, it'll be fun!" Matt said reassuringly. "Yeah, here's how it works; The name of the game is ' Never Have I Ever'. It's where someone says something like 'never have I ever...Um, let's see... Oh, never have I ever participated in an orgy.' If you have participated in an orgy, or whatever the person has said, you take a sip of your drink. If you haven't; Then you don't. Whoever drinks all of their drink first is the winner. Understood?" You said, passing out tiny cups and pouring bourbon whiskey into them. Everyone nodded, so the game begun. "Ok, who wants to ask first?" You asked, looking around for an answer. Matt raised his hand in excitement and yelled "Oh, me!Me! Pick me!" You shrugged and let him do it. He whispered a "Yes!" under his breath, then said "Never have I ever... Hmm... Let's see... Uh..." He began to tap his chin.
-5 minutes later-
"Uhhhhh....." He continued. "You're taking too long, let someone else ask." Tom said, glaring at him. "Alright, never have I ever went kitten shopping." He said, taking a sip. No one else took a sip, so he looked down in embarrassment. " Come on, you have to be a little more extreme than that! Otherwise it's no fun! Here, let me ask a question. Let's see, uh... Oh, Never have I ever committed murder." You said, taking a sip. Everyone looked at you in shock, and you were about to laugh and explain to them that you just killed a bug, but then Tom took a sip. "...You killed a bug too?" You said. He looked at you in surprise, "You were talking about bugs??? Oh..." He said. "Holy shit dude." You laughed, placing your drink on the table. "Uh-AHAHAHAHHAHA I was just joking, y'know, ha..." He said in a nervous voice, spitting the whiskey back into the glass. "Alright, it's your turn, Edd!" You said, pointing at him. He looked around and gave it some thought, then he said " Um, never have I ever made love to a coke bottle!", taking a sip right after he said it. He scrunched his face up due to the strong, sour flavor that the whiskey had. Everyone stared at him in disgust and confusion. "Wow, I never knew you liked Coke that much, Edd." Tom said. "Well, I love Cola, and it just so happened to have a hole that-" Matt interrupted him and yelled " NEVER HAVE I EVER MOANED MY OWN NAME DURING SEX!!!!"
No one took a sip but him. Well, this was a weird game of " Never Have I Ever"...
You were quite dizzy, and it seemed like the whole room was moving. This was the 20th round of "Never Have I Ever". "H-H*hICC* HaaaAAAA, I-I'm winninG...." You hiccuped, flailing your arms around drowsily. "Your cup is still half empty." Tom said in a perfectly sober voice. Probably since he's used to drinking so much. The most drunk one would probably be Edd, since he's not used to having whiskey or any type of alcohol at all. He was laughing and throwing himself onto the table. He kept hiccuping and his cheeks were very red. "Wh-Wha... Guys, the room is movinG *hiCC*  Is thERE A dem-*hICC* A demon iN HErE...? *hIC C* We haff to to st0P hIM!!!1!" He said, slapping the air. "DON't w0RRY eDwaRD...! I'll hElp you sLAY thE BEAST!!!!" Matt said, slamming his cup onto the table constantly. Tom sighed and said "I think it's about time we go to bed, it's really late, and if you guys keep drinking, you'll be as sick as hell in the morning. By the way (y/n), thanks for letting us stay for the night." He said taking the cups away from you and the others. He put them in the kitchen sink and asked " So where should we sleep?" You lie onto the floor and stare at the ceiling, processing what he asked. Your brain wasn't really working at the moment. "mmFgHHH, s-sleep with meeeEEE ahAH*hICC* haaaa...." You laughed, throwing your legs up in the air. Edd pointed and laughed at you, "Pfftt you're juST S..s*hICC* So- God, I am soOOoo wasTED... Owwww..." He said, placing his hand on his head. "Well, I guess we'll just sleep on the couch." Tom said, walking towards you. "H-H...Hey mistER, I don' kn0W YoUu. AAAH stRANGER DANGE R!!! HugHH, woah I'm tiiiireeedddd...." You groaned. Matt was pretending to be making out with himself in the corner, moaning his own name. Anyways, Tom picked you up and placed you on your bed. He pulled the covers over you and closed the door. "MMfgGh... T-Tord..." You mumbled into your pillow.

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