Imagine: hal helping you with your condition

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This is requested by ellieloubee, sorry if it's bad but I hope you like it and please comment what you think😘✌🏻️❤️💚
You sat on the couch with, Tom on one side and eve on the other side while Annie stood in the kitchen doing the dishes while trying to hide the tears so you looked at Tom to only hear the door open so you looked up to see Hal walk in so you smiled, stood up to only hear yourself say

"I need to talk to you"

As you said that Hal looked at you so you walked up to him to only hear eve say

"Where are you going"

With that you looked at eve then back at Hal then said

"Like I said I need to talk to Hal"

With that you pulled him to the room so you can talk to him. When you got to the room you sat down on the bed to only hear him say

"You want help don't you"

As he said that you looked up to only see him looking at you so you shook your head to only hear yourself say

"I know it's a lot to ask but please I need help"

As you said that he walked up to sat on the bed and said

"Do you mean it with the whole quitting drinking"


"Then yes I'll help"

As he said that you smiled, wrapped your arms around his neck to only feel him hug you tighter so you hugged back wishing this moment won't end, wishing you weren't the monster you where now.

A few days later
"You have no idea what I'm going through, I wake up every morning wishing I wasn't this, this monster that goes around killing other people, wishing I wasn't here"

As you said that you felt your eyes go black and your felt your fangs pop out so you moved forward to only feel someone's arms around you so you tried getting out of his embrace but he was to strong so you gave up to only hear Hal

"Y/N calm down, calm down"

As he said that you felt your eyes go normal colour and you felt your fangs go back down so you calmed down to only hear Hal say

"Come on you need some sleep, let's get you to bed"

With that he let go of then took your hand in his and pull you up stairs.

You sat on the bed next to Hal holding his hand to only hear yourself say

"I can't do this no more, I can't do it, I see people and feel like drinking"

As you said that you felt him hold your hand tightly so you looked at him to only feel his hand on your face so you closed your eyes, took in his touch to only hear him say

"Don't give up, you'll get through it I know you and you wanna know how"


As you said that you looked up to see him starring at you so you looked at him to only feel his lips on yours so you kissed back to only feel him pull apart and say

"I love you Y/N, I really do"

As he said that you smiled to only hear yourself say

"I love you to Hal"

With that he kissed you so you kissed back then he pulled apart and laid down with Hal's arms wrapped around you holding you tight and never letting you go and you knew right there that you loved him and he loved.

Ok so sorry if this is not what you wanted but I have only started watching season four so please tell me what you think and I hope you like it😘✌🏻️❤️💚

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