Awkard Time With Subaru

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"I...fell asleep?" You questioned yourself as you sat up and yawned. Looking into the mirror on the wall, your eyes widened a bit at your appearance.

Your bed head today looked like a bird nest with tangles all over it, your lips were big and plump , cracked from dehydration, and your eyes were a bit swollen from the crying yesterday.

Suddenly remembering about yesterday, a smile creeped onto your lips.

"I'm not alone anymore" whispering happily, you jumped off the bed and went out into the washroom for a quick shower.

After changing into your clean clothes, you looked down at your watch and realized that today was Saturday, meaning no school!

Celebrating silently, you skipped down into the kitchen, heading strait towards the fridge.

However to your disappointment, the fridge was empty. Like completely empty.

"WTF?!" You cursed at you banged your head against the fridge door, silently crying.

Closing the fridge door, you decided to go out for shopping. Well if you don't, you guys are all going to die out of hunger... Oh wait never mind your the only one who's going to die.

Sighing deeply at the thought, you went to your closet to pick out an out fit. In the end you just threw on an white T-shirt with the words 'Anime 4 Lifu' on it and a pair of black leggings and a black and white converse.

Too lazy to put on makeup nor do your hair, you just decided to go like this and headed downstairs. Just when you were about to exit, a hand slammed on the door, shutting it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Reiji's monotone voice echoes through the halls, causing you to sigh as you turned around and faced him.

"Shopping, we don't have anymore food. I'm going to starve to death if I don't" You explained as Reiji stared at you, as if trying to see if your lying or not. In the end he agreed, however you can go under one condition.

"Take Subaru with you, he'll make sure you don't have any thoughts of running away" Reiji said while pushing up his glasses. You were about to protest, however hunger got the best of you so you just sighed and nodded in agreement.

Soon Reiji came back, dragging Subaru on the ground as he thrashed and yelled.

"Why do I have to go?!" He yelled angrily as Reiji just ignored him and pushed both of you guys out the door. The door slammed behind as you guys stood there in silence.

"Uhhhhh lets go?" You asked unsurely, as Subaru gave you a death glare and tched before stuffing his hands inside his pockets and walked away, you following behind.

It was probably midnight right now, which means that the only store that would be open is the convenience (Did I even spell that right) store, so the only things that you could get was snacks.

Heading towards the nearest conveniences store, which was about a 15 minute walk out of the forest, the way there was really awkward.

None of you guys talked or even glanced at each other, both just lost in their own minds. Too busy to notice what's going on beside you.

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