Chapter 2 - Comfortable Hugs and Creepy Stalkers

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Chapter 2

I don't know how long we were standing there hugging, but the only thing I was focusing on was him and his comfortable arms around me. But after a couple minutes his husky voice broke the silence.


"Y-yeah" I stuttered looking up at his face. His eyes looked beautiful with the sunlight from the window reflecting onto them. Light glowing brown eyes.

"We erm, we gotta get out of town tomorrow.. For your safety and all." He seemed nervous which was slightly weird.

"Yeah okay" I replied after a while.

It was then that i realised his arms still tightly held around my waist. I looked down at them, blushing. Hunter soon realised seconds later and removed them slowly. Like he was saving the feeling of his touch on me.

Oh shut up faith. He's obviously embarrassed. I mean come on you're a girl and he's a boy blah blah blah.


20 minutes later and I was sitting in a black Lamborghini with hunter sitting in the drivers seat. After our little 'moment' he decided to drive me back home to get my stuff.

Hunter turned to look at me and slightly turned his gaze down my body. I couldn't see what he was thinking about seeing as he held that unreadable expression. Suddenly he came closer towards me looking straight back at my eyes. I couldn't even move, all i could do was stare back at him whilst he was inching closer and closer towards me. His face was an inch away from my own. his hot breath going over my mouth. Is he trying to kiss me?! Oh lord please give me strength. As badly as I wanted to feel his soft pink looking lips on top of mine, I couldn't let this happen! I did just meet him like an hour ago! Suddenly his arms went around my neck and above my head. I didn't realise i was staring at his lips until they turned into a smirk. "You know, as much as not wearing a seatbelt is badass, I don't want you to get hurt now do I?" He said still smirking at me.

I let his words sink in and realised this whole thing was for him to put the seatbelt on me. If i didn't look like a tomato then, I sure as hell looked like one now. Hunter leaned back on his chair and started the car.

"The prick" I thought. He could've just told me to wear it. Urgh.

After a while we turned into the front of my house.

"Wait hold up stalker. How do you know where i live?!" I screamed in his face.

"Faith if you haven't realised, I've been trying to make sure the people who killed your parents didn't kill you as well. So yeah, i obviously know where you live." He replied looking at me with one of his eyebrows raising up. "I mean who do you think it was making those noises on the tree next to your window every night? It sure as hell wasn't a squirrel" he laughed slightly amused by his own joke. However I was still shocked at his confession. What? Everyday he would just stare at me.


What a creepy little fucker.

"O-okay. Im gonna try and make that sound less creepy in my head" I said getting out of the car and heading up to my room. Hunter stayed and waited in the car whilst I packed my clothes and stuff.


Yeahhh, so this is a short chapter.. Just a filler. Don't worry though guys next chappy will be better :D

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