Chapter 3 - Almost Got Killed But Made A New Friend

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Chapter 3

I got back into Hunters shiny black car and this time remembered to put on the seatbelt. I didn't want that almost kiss awkward thing happening again. Hunter realised what i was doing and chuckled a quiet "good girl" . I turned to face him and give him a look telling him to shut up.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. I suddenly felt the need to listen to music. So i reached out to turn on the radio, when Hunter was reaching out too. Our hands touched slightly which caused that tingly feeling again. I quickly moved my hand back into my lap and mumbled a quick "sorry".

I always had to make shit awkward. I should've been named Awkward and not Faith, seeing as nothing happy was going on in my life so far.


"Yeah" he replied seconds later.

"Everytime we erm, you know.. T-touch.. Why does it urm like urgh i dont know how to explain it but-"

"Why does it tingle? Ignite? Whatever you wanna call it?"

Well, he made it sound less awkward than i would've. I thanked God silently for him to have said it instead of me. I mean come on im Queen of awkwardness. I could make someones birth awkward by shouting random shit like 'you just pushed that out of your vagina, wahooo!'

I was so into my weird thoughts, that I didn't even realise that Hunter stopped the car and was parked outside the building we were at earlier.

"SHIT!" Hunter cursed making me turn my head straight to him. Ouchhh whiplash or whaaaat.

Suddenly he leaned over the car, practically lying on top of me. I couldn't help but feel the warmth of his body colliding against mine, giving me that comfortable tingling feeling once again.

"W-why are you lying on me? Like legit lying on me?" I stuttered slowly gazing into his light brown eyes.

"Just shut up and pretend to kiss me"

"Im sorry, WHAT?!" I practically shouted, staring at him. He has honestly lost the plot I'm not even joking.

"Look out of the window, you see those two men wearing shades?" He asked.

I looked past the opposite car window slyly and indeed saw 2 men wearing dark coloured clothing walking down the street in front of the building. They seemed to have been looking around carefully, like they were searching for something. They wore shades which were weird seeing as the weather was practically shit. Like, shit shit.

"They're two of the people who are out to get you Faith. Now just do something so they don't see our faces!" He shouted kind of scaring me.

He lost the plot earlier, but now he clearly has no brain cells left. I slightly looked out of the window again and saw them getting closer and closer to the car. Suddenly one of them turned towards the car we were in.


they're gonna see me hurry!

I couldn't think of anything else to do so i leaned forward and gently placed my lips against his lower cheeks, making it seem as if I was kissing him. He seemed quite shocked and turned his head which ended up with my lips smashing against his.




We were still at first but after a while he started to kiss back. Tingles after tingles was the only thing i could feel. I knew he could feel it too because he put his arm tightly around my waist and held the other hand against the the back of my neck, slightly pulling on my hair. I suddenly felt this urge, like i wanted more of him. So i pushed against him making his back touch the car door. As much as my mind was screaming at me to stop, i just couldn't. He deepened the kiss by moving me closer towards him, practically against him. Hurricane Katrina in my stomach, because butterflies floating around doesn't even describe this feeling.

I remembered what we were suppose to be doing and slightly pulled away from him so that we didn't go further.

I opened my eyes the same time he did and i couldnt help but slightly smile.

That was honestly the best kiss I've ever experienced seeing as i didn't really kiss that many people...

Okay fine! I've only kissed like 3 people,

including Hunter!

Hunter looked at me with wide eyes and suddenly jumped up and out of the car like he was set on fire, and started to walk away quickly into the building.




URGH THAT annoying voice in my head again, time to block it ouuttt.

I seriously need to get checked...

Like seriously.


After a couple minutes of me slapping my forehead against the car window, I looked outside to see that the two guys had gone ages ago. I then decided to go inside the building. I should really stop calling it a building.


I shall call it house seeing as I'm staying here for a while.

As I was walking up the stairs and across the hallway was when I saw a girl about my age standing there smiling at me.

"Hey, you must be faith. I'm Sam, hunters twin sister. It's great to actually finally meet you" She said holding out her hand.


They don't even look like siblings let alone twins!

Sam must of seen my shocked face because she slighltly giggled and said "yeah I know we don't look alike but we are twins. Sadly." She whispered the last bit jokingly, which made me smile.

"Yeah you guys look nothing alike. And it's nice to meet you too." I replied back going to give her a handshake but she tugged on my hand and hugged me.

"I don't do hand shakes Faith" she said looking at me smiling again. Wow this girl loves to smile.

"So um, if you don't mind me asking.. What exactly happened? I saw Hunter barging in and when I asked him what happened he said nothing and practically ran away to his room." She said all this in one breath.

I couldn't exactly tell her we kissed. I mean quite awkward if i said 'ohh yeah we kinda made out in the car, no biggie'

She raised one of her eyebrows as a que for me to tell her.

"Erm, nothing.. We just got into a little um- Argument! Yeah argument" I stuttered.

Dammit why did I have to be so bad at telling lies?! Urghh.

"Faith, I'm gonna ask you one more time. What happened?!" She said slowly looking into my eyes. All of a sudden i felt dizzy.

"Nothing, seriously! It was an argument" i said, this time not stuttering.

Daaaamn. Im getting better.

"Come with me to my room, i gotta tell you some stuff" Sam smiled, grabbing my arm gently, dragging me to her room. I knew from this moment on that me and Sam would be good friends whilst I was here. At least I'd finally have someone to talk to.

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