Chapter 4

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"Okay! Your all done! You look GORGEOUS!" Haley says clasping her hands together in exciment. "Yeah well, I think it's a little too tight." She looks at me confused, "Um? This is the new look." I look at my outfit in the mirror then look at her, "Well whoever made this 'new look' needs to stop taking drugs." She gasped, "Well let's just get a dress that a little bit more loose okay?"

I look at the new dress and I love it, wow Jess when did you become so... So.... Dare I say it, GIRLY? "Oh my! You look gorgeous!" I smile happily, "Thank you!" Haley's phone buzzes in her pocket and she answers. "Hello?....Yes she's finished.........okay I'll tell her, bye." She gets up and dusted herself off, "Okay we got your hair and makeup done and you look beautiful! You have such natural beauty!!!" "Thank you!" I stand waiting for her to tell me what the phone call was about. "James called me and told me he was close by, he said he was just going to knock at the door when he's here." I nod then sit and wait.

Knock knock. I get up from my chair and head to the door, I take a deep breath in then open the door. "Hello." He smiles then says, "Hello, you look beautiful." I blush and smile at him, "Thank you." He takes my hand and leads me out of the hotel. What in the world are these tingles?! I get into the limo then James gets in then we're off. "So what's your favorite color?" Really Jess? You stupid introverted little- "Blue, yours?" Really?! That's mine too! "Mine is blue too!" He chuckles, "We're going to and Italian restaurant, do you like Italian?" "Umm, yeah I guess..." He chuckles then the limo stops.

James gets out then opens my door, "Wow this place is fancy!" He smiles at me, "Do you like it?" Do I like it?! Even the smell makes me want to fall over and just.....smell? "I LOVE it!" We got seated then took our orders, "umm, I would like the gnocchi? And a sweet tea." The waiter nods then looks at James, "Ah yes, I would like Stromboli? And a sweet tea also." The waiter nods again the he was off. "So Jessica, what's your story?" Wow how do I tell him my parents died then I was abused then landed on the streets THEN found this handsome hunk?




"Soooo what?"

"What's your story?"

"Sorry I don't write books."

He chuckles, "you know what I mean."

I sigh, "Well, I was in a car accident with my parents and they died.... Then I got adopted, but they abused me..." I looked away in shame then me puts his hand on mine, then I look back at him, "Then I ran away from them and ended up on the streets, then found Thanos." He smiles and says, "Then I found you." I blush, and before I knew it our food was set in front of us. "Mademoiselle, sir, your food, enjoy." He walks away then we eat.

"So...." He says, "You said your parents died? Sorry to be so blunt but I would like to know more about you." I gulp, "They died in a car crash, a drunk driver hit us then we tumbled into a river..." He looks at me like a deer in headlights. "What?" I say, "D-Do you happen to know if it was a female?" I try to go back to the night of the crash, "Umm, I can recall they said it was a woman on the news.... Her name was Sa-" he interrupted me and said, "Sadie Berling, my mother." What?!

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