Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to EnchantedFrozenRose Thank you for commenting and liking my book!!!


"AHH" we scream in unison, "Oh my gawd! Why did she walk into the basement?!" I laugh at Haley because she's a over reactor. I look over at Thanos, he's been acting weird lately, just when I think of that I say to Haley, "Hey I'm gonna be right back." She nods then I go get my phone and call the vet.

(2 minutes later)

".....Okay we will be there! Bye." I walk over and sit next to Haley then she says, "So, do you want us all to do something tonight?" All? Who's all? "What do you mean by all?" She giggles, "You and James, Me and my boyfriend Vincent." She had a boyfriend too? "Okay, I'll check with James first and see if he's able to join us." She nods her head again the she looks at her phone and gets up from her chair, "Hey if we wanna get together tonight I'm going to have to leave to get ready, call James and see what he says and then call me to see if were still on okay?" I nod then she leaves.


"Wow James this is a lovely restaurant!" He smiles and said, "I knew you'd like it." We get seated and tell the waitress that there will be two more people coming. Speak of the devil, "Hey! We're here!" I get up and hug Haley and shake Vincent's hand, he's a rough looking dude but still cute. "So." I say, "How do you two know each other." Pointing to Haley and James, "Well Haley is my annoying little cousin that I love." Haley smacks James's arm and he chuckles, "James! Take that back!" He smiles and says, "Okay, she's the annoying little cousin." She rolls her eyes.

The waitress walks up to take our drink orders, "I will take a water." I say then every body else gets one except James, he got a sweet tea. "So! How did you two meet?" Haley says pointing to me and James. "Well it's not that ro-" "Well..." Says James, "I was walking down the street when I suddenly look over to see this beautiful angel looking at me." He looks at me and I blush. "Then we made conversation and I got her number." He says with the cutest smile. Thank goodness he didn't say that I was homeless, then the waitress brings our drinks and we order our food.


After we ate Haley suggests that we all go watch a movie at her house. "Guys I have an awesome idea!" I look at her confused, "We can make a pillow fort!" The boys chuckled at her but I had so much exciment on my face! "Yeah! And I'll help too!"


"It. Looks. AWESOME!" Haley says while jumping up and down, "Yes! Now let's put on a movie!" We search through her her movie shelf and I say, "Hey! How about this one!" I hold up the move to let the guys see too. "Uhm, 'Fault in our stars?'" Me and Haley nod our head yes, "Okay..." Said the boys, Yes! I put in the movie and go over and sit by James and cuddle up next to him.

"James?" I whisper trying not to wake up Haley and Vincent, turns out Haley and her boyfriend fell asleep in the middle of the movie and now I'm trying to find out if James did too. No response, after that I gently put my arm around his torso and fall asleep.


"AHH! Please don't hurt me! Please!" Joe lifts up his fist again and punches my ribs, "AHH!" I sob from the pain and from wanting my parents back. "If you keep crying I'm gonna punch you more! You got that?!" I can't control my tears, I can't stop. "You asked for it!" He lifts up his fist again and punches the other side of my torso. "AHH! Please! Please!" Joe laughs and walks away while I lay on the ground sobbing.

"Jessica." A voice says softly, "It's okay Jess, I'm here." Then a arm wraps around my torso and I flinch from the sore spots. "Jess it's okay it just me, it's James." My fear slipped away when it was James. "I-I'm s-sorry..." He looks at me and gives me a sad smile, "It's okay, just go back to sleep, okay?" He wraps me in his arms and I fall asleep.


Hey! Author here! Sorry it's kinda short by I promise I'll make the next chapter longer okay?

Comment! Like! And give me suggestions! (If you want to that is.)

Hugs and kisses from your girl!

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