At The Ball

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The two girls walked into the ball a few minutes late and everyone turned to look at the beautiful dresses that were shimmering in the dim light.
They both took a huge curtsy and then came back up. The princes were amazed and asked the girls for the first dances. After the first two dances the princes brought them out to a secret garden and let them sit on swings while the princes pushed them. When one of Drizella's glass slippers fell off, Prince Henry put it back on for her.
A few minutes later, one of Anastasia's glass slippers fell off, so Prince George made small talk.
"I guess there are some slippery shoes today. May I?"
"Yes, please."
He slipped it on and it was glorifying. Both couples smiled at each other and there was a moment where nothing else in the world mattered. Nothing at all.
They heard the clock strike one minute until midnight and Anastasia croaked out," I'm sorry, we have to go! Come on, Drizella! Let's go!"
    "Wait! Where are you going?"
    "We didn't even get your names!"
    "Please don't go!"
    They ran inside and got the coaches ready fast and started to run after them when one of each of Anastasia and Drizella's slippers fell off. The princes each picked up the slipper of the girl they had
met. They got the carriages to chase after the other one. The princes were determined to see the maidens again.
Soon, the carrage started to turn back into a watermelon. The magic blinded the other coaches and they retreated to defeat. Except one carrage, which held the princes. Next, the coach and the footmen started to turn to their original animals. Everything was falling apart, and it remained as the girls were still trapped inside.
Suddenly, the coach flipped over, the remaining carrage that contained the princes came to a sudden stop, and the princes came out to help the kind maidens, who's clothes had already changed back. Except for their shoes, which they quickly took off.
By the time the princes got in there, the girls had taken off their shoes and were in their normal maiden clothes.
The princes came in, and they were sure that the two girls that almost got stuck in a watermelon weren't the girls they had seen before.
Because of this thought, Prince George said," Excuse me, ladies, but my brother and I were looking for some maidens that we think have passed by here."
"Yes, they both had on big blue dresses. One of them had brown hair, and the other had dirty blond and talked a lot." He stared in thought at the image of Drizella.
"Snap out of it!" Prince George quickly demanded.
"Oh, yeah."
Anastasia came in immediately as to refrain Drizella from saying anything. "No, we haven't seen anyone crossing around here. Probably because we almost got stuck in here."
    Prince George was sketchy about these two mysterious girls," Yeah, how did that happen anyway?"
    "Oh, that's a long story. Trust me you don't want to here about that."
    "Well, fine. Good day to you."
    The princes went back to the carrage, and left the girls to their troubles.
    Then the girls ran off to their home with the mice, lizards, and goose in their hands.

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