The Search

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    When the girls got home, they immediately found a place to put the shoes where no one else might ever find them. Later, the king issued a proclamation saying that whenever the maidens were found, they would be named the new princesses. In the next couple of days, men on horses crowded the streets going from house to house to find the two fair maidens. Slowly but steadily, they finally came upon the house of Lady Tremaine and her three daughters. When they arrived, Lady Tremaine locked the girls in the room, and tried her best to keep them in there. The mice thought differently. They went out to where Lady Tremaine was dining on tea with members of the Royal Court while Cinderella tried to force on the glass slippers. When the Royal Court that their time had been wasted enough, the mice finally got the key, and they unlocked the door.
When they heard the noise they began to get suspicious. "Ma'am, Are you sure there are no other maidens in this household?"
"Well, I'm quite sure I would know who is living in my own house!" She said as she smashed the glass slippers against the ground and they broke into one million pieces, and with an evil snarl she continued,"Oops?"
"Ma'am! What are you doing?!? Those were the only ones of each pair!"
Another noise came upstairs, and with it, Anastasia and Drizella,"But we have the others."the
"Yes, indeed," Drizella followed.
Prince Henry stood at the thought of his mystery girl finally found."But we still didn't catch your names."
Anastasia and Drizella both either walked up to Prince George or Prince Henry.
"My name is Drizella, and I am known to be quite a chatter box," she said to Prince Henry before she curtsied.
"And I am her twin sister, Anastasia." She said as she did the same.
"Oh don't bother with them. They're just our maids."
"We must check every maiden in the kingdom!"Prince George insisted.
Prince Henry smiled at Drizella as she gave him the slipper to see if it fit. Like none other it finally fit. Second came Prince George and Anastasia. The same thing happened.
    The two princes looked at each other, smiling and then looked at their brides. Finally, they both got down on one knee, and said,"Will you two make us the happiest men in the world, and marry us?"
    The girls did the same and said in unison," Yes, we would love to."
    Each bride or groom had big smiles on their faces.
    The wedding was held two weeks from them, and it was of a dream. Later Anastasia and Drizella each had kids and a husband living in an amazing castle.
From then on they lived happily ever after.
The End

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