Episode 2

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As Hinata continued to drag Naruto along, Naruto had trouble keeping up with her. The diaper was so thick that he had to waddle like a toddler, the plastic of the diaper crinkling with his every step. "Come one, Naru-kun!" Hinata said cheerfully. She was enjoying her role as Naruto's Mommy. "I can't!" Naruto complained. "This thing is too thick!" "Oh. Do you mean your diaper?" she asked as they passed several people, who laughed at him. "You did that on purpose, didn't you!" Naruto yelled angrily. "Yep, I did." Hinata said cheerfully. Naruto had attempted to refrain from using the "D" word so that people wouldn't know what he was talking about, but Hinata quickly spoiled his hopes by blatantly spelling it out for them. "Stop!" Naruto exclaimed. "I can't be seen like this!" "But you've already been seen." Hinata said. "No! I don't want anyone else to see me like this! Not my friends. Especially not Sakura!" Hinata's lavender-white eyes flashed red for a second when he mentioned Sakura's name. Sakura was the reason why Hinata still hadn't won Naruto's love. Naruto loved Sakura, but Sakura only liked him as a friend. However, it still made Hinata extremely angry and jealous of Sakura, even though she was her friend. Hinata wanted Naruto all to herself. "Well, at least after today, Sakura will never want to be with him again." she thought evilly. Hinata had arranged for Sakura, Ino and Tenten to meet them at the tea house, though she did not reveal to them that she had invited them in order to show them her new baby. "I want to go home!" Naruto complained. But Hinata continued to ignore his protests as she dragged her little Naru-kun along.

"Where here!" Hinata finally said. "Oh, there you are, Hinata!" said a female voice Naruto knew only too well. "Is that Naruto?" "Yes." Hinata said. Naruto looked up in horror as he saw Sakura, Ino and Tenten standing there. He fainted. "What happened to him?" Tenten asked. "I don't know." Hinata said. "What is that bulge under his pants?" Ino asked. Hinata giggled. "I accidently walked in on him this morning while he was getting dressed and saw him wearing these." Hinata lied as she lifted Naruto's pants, revealing his super thick disposable diapers. "I honestly had no idea he liked this sort of thing." Sakura, Ino and Tenten started laughing. "Did you use this opportunity to show his diapers off to us, then?" Ino giggled. "Yep." Hinata said with an evil grin. "Wow, Hinata. Your evil, you know that?" Tenten said. "I know." Hinata said laughing.

"This is priceless!" Sakura said, barely able to speak from laughing so hard. "I wonder if he's wet himself yet." "Even funnier if he soiled himself!" Tenten was in hysterics. "He was this morning." Hinata said. "And I changed his diaper for him, too. Aren't I just the nicest person ever?" They all laughed. "You changed his diaper?!" Ino said stifling her laughter. "That is just hilarious!" "Shh." Hinata said suddenly. "Baby Naru-kun is waking up." Tenten, Ino and Sakura giggled at this last comment too. "Awww." Sakura said. "Baby is awake. How does it feel?" "Huh? How does what feel?" Naruto asked. "How does it feel to have that nice thick dypie between your legs?" Sakura repeated as Ino and Tenten snickered again. Naruto realized that when he passed out, Hinata must have shown them his diapers. "You witch!" He said angrily as hot wet tears welled up in his eyes. "Awww." Sakura said. "Don't cry." "Maybe we should check his diaper to see if he wet himself." Tenten suggested. "After all, when babies cry, doesn't that usually mean that they are either hungry or that they wet or messed their diaper?" Ino and Sakura giggled. "Hold on, I'll do it." Sakura volunteered as she bent down to check Naruto's diaper. Naruto tried to get away from her, but the others surrounded him and held him down so Sakura could check his diaper. Naruto sobbed in humiliation at the reality the he was having his diaper checked by Sakura, whom he had loved nearly all his life. "Did he go?" Hinata asked. "Nope. He's still dry." Sakura said. "Hey I have an idea." "What's that?" the others asked. "Why don't we all have a girl's day out with little baby Naruto to keep us company." "Yeah." Ino said. "That sounds great." We can buy some more diapers and supplies for him to." Tenten said. "That sounds wonderful." Hinata said. "I want to go home." Naruto cried. "But we have so many places to go and things to do." Hinata said. He tried to get away again, but all four girls grabbed him and restrained him. "Let me go! Let me..." Naruto was cut off as Sakura shoved a pacifier in his mouth and sealed it so he couldn't spit it out. "He looks so cute." She said. "Let's go get him into something more comfortable." "I have just the thing for him." Hinata said. "But first let's have some tea and tea cakes. I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm sure little Naru-kun is hungry too." Hinata removed his pacifier so that she could feed him. After they had some tea and some tea cakes, with Hinata feeding Naruto his tea cakes as the other three just snickered and gawked at his predicament, they finally got up and began heading towards Naruto's house, though not before resealing the pacifier back in little Naru-kun's mouth.

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