New People

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~♥~♡~♥~Natsu's POV~♥~♡~♥~
"Hey guys!" I run up to my friends "I brought someone with me" I say with a smile. They focus their attention on (y/n) who is standing mostly behind me. "(y/n) this is Erza, Lucy and Wendy" I say pointing to each person as I go. "it's nice to meet you, I hope Natsu didn't cause you any trouble" Erza glares at me and I involuntary start to shake and stutter "n-no ma'am". "Wow you're really pretty" says Lucy, "huh!! Oh umm th-thanks I guess" (y/n) turns red and now she starts stuttering. 'What's with her, she looks so surprised, she shouldn't be, now that I look closely at her she's kinda...well...pretty......'

~♥~♡~♥~your POV~♥~♡~♥~
'Crap! Im not used to complements guhh I can feel my face getting warm from embarrassment...' I look at Natsu and he has his eyes locked on me and doesn't seem to realise he's staring. "Umm what are you looking at?" I question, "huh oh nothing" he grins and rubs the back of his head, "I just realised you ARE really pretty hehe". I turn even more red, 'damn it now I'm getting a complement from a guy'.
"Teehee wait till I tell mom and dad you're flirting with girls" Wendy says looking at Natsu. "Huh I'm not flirting with her I'm just being honest!!" Natsu raises his voice to an unfriendly volume. 'So they're siblings then, heh bet they argue like this alot' the corners of my lips slightly turn upwards.....but then I remember the topic of their conversation and sigh.

~♥~♡~♥~time skip~♥~♡~♥~
Its the end of the first day of the school year, and the end of my first day at Fairy Tail High. 'Maybe moving to another school wont be so hard after all' I got along with the other students....somehow. I must have met or gotten on the good side at least, of about what? Ten? Fifteen people? And its all thanks to Natsu dragging me around all day. If it weren't for him attempting to befrend me my first day would have been quite boring.
"Oi (n/n)" 'speak of the devil....' "yeah? Wait, did you just call me (n/n)?" He nods "thought it suited ya". I roll my eyes. "I'll walk you home" he says
"huh? No thanks I can walk by myself" I attempt to leave, "come on (n/n), gee do ya hate me that much" he pouts. "What no I just-" "well let's go then" and for the fifteenth time today he grabs my hand and starts walking off. 'He sure is a strange one, but he seems relatively harmless so I guess this is ok'.

"Umm Natsu" "yeah?" " my in the other direction...." ...... "oh".

~♥~♡~♥~Natsu's POV~♥~♡~♥~

(y/n) and I are walking to her house. Its kind of awkward so I start a conversation. "Did you just change schools or did you move as well?" I ask. She looks at me then back at the ground "I moved here on friday" she says 'I guess she moved pretty far, she doesn't seem to care much about anything either... "Oh, do you like it here so far?" I smile. "I guess its ok, its not like I've been here long to decide that though" 'oh yeah...'. Its quiet for a while until she stops at a nice looking house. "This where you live? Looks cool" I say with a grin, "No I just stopped here for no reason" she says with a flat tone "what's with all the questions anyway?". 'Gee she's blunt and sarcastic' "I just wanna get to know ya is that so bad?" I sulk. I hear her sigh "I'll probably see you tommorow so goodb-"*mortalkombat theme* she stares at me and i can feel my face heat up. "Uhh thats my phone...been meaning to change the ringtone..." I dig through my bag to answer it.

~♥~♡~♥~your POV~♥~♡~♥~
Natsu scrambles to answer his phone 'mortalkombat....really? That was kinda funny, he must be into fighting games, can't say it surprises me' "oh hey dad whats up?" He talks on the phone for not too long but his expression falls more and more. 'Wait...WHY AM I STILL STANDING HERE!?!' He hangs up with his father and looks at me "uhh could you do something for me" he asks with a strained smile "my dad said he can't get home tonight and I left the key to my house at home so uh, could any chance...stay the night? My sis is staying at one of her friends houses". I look at him and its obvious he feels bad for asking this of me, "*sigh* alright, alright but just for tonight" I give in. "YESSS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! YOU'RE THE BEST OF ALL TIME I MEAN IT REALLY" surprised at his outburst I don't move when he hugs me. "Uhh hey get off!" I yell "oh ehehe sorry" he lets go. I sigh "come on we better figure out where you'll be sleeping". He follows me inside the house.
"you really are the best ya know

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