Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cindy stopped and turned to look at him. He had a smile on his face. It wasn't kind. She took a deep breath and walked through the door. It led into a dimly lit tunnel. The Law Lords came into view as she stepped into their private chamber. They were sitting on chairs on an elevated platform. Pipes were in their hands and smoke billowed out from their mouths.

They appeared to be relaxed and in relatively good moods.

With her eyes fixed onto her feet, she gave a low bow. She had never been to the House of Lords before, or met anyone of any nobility. She had practised her bow at home. She hoped it looked right.

Her throat suddenly felt dry, her tongue heavy and her mouth clumsy. "My lords," she croaked.

"Cindy Melikov," Lord Lipton said. "When your report of the boy from the Other Side came before us, I must confess to having unpleasant thoughts of what to do to you." He spoke gravely.

There was no doubt left as to why she had been summoned. Her legs began to shake. She pushed down hard onto her feet, trying to keep them still. But it didn't work. She did notice her feet though. Had they always been that big?

"There is no need to frighten the poor girl any further," Lord Colborne said. "Congratulations are in order, Cindy Melikov."

Cindy was still busy trying to stop her legs from shaking. It was a moment before his words registered. Congratulations? She looked up. "My lords..?"

Lord Colborne smiled. "It was a bit of luck on your part to stumble upon him, but nonetheless, your report was very thorough and you conducted yourself well under the circumstances."

"A wizard born to Wanderers," Lord Lipton said, "this changes everything."

The words repeated in her mind. A wizard born to Wanderers... It hadn't been a test? They really were his parents? But that was impossible. Wanderers don't give birth to wizards. Whoever heard of such nonsense? She almost said as much out loud.

"This changes nothing."

It was Lord Dragunov who had spoken and he sat a distance apart from Lords Colborne and Lipton. She met his eyes for a second before she looked down again. It was ample time to know he wasn't happy.

"You – Melikov, is it?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Tell me, what does your father do?"

"He is a farmer, my lord."

"A farmer," Lord Dragunov scoffed. "A lowly Guardian of common blood, you are required to ask permission before you do anything deemed above your level of competence." He slammed his fist onto the armrest angrily.

"My lord, I-"

"Silence!" Lord Dragunov roared and Cindy shuddered, taking a step back. "How dare you interrupt me?"

She didn't realise she had interrupted. There was a good passage of time before she spoke. How was she to know he hadn't finished? As the silence stretched, she wondered if she should apologise, or would that count against her for interrupting again?

"A Breeder posing as a wizard, and you did not think to refer to your superior before you merrily wandered up to him and dethroned what little dignity you had?" Lord Dragunov said contemptuously.

Cindy's eyes widened as she stared at her feet. Dethroned what little dignity she had...? She was confused. One moment she was being praised, now she was being insulted and denigrated.

"You dare not answer me?" Lord Dragunov said ominously.

In trouble for talking, in trouble for not talking – you couldn't win with a lord. "I wish to beg your forgiveness, my lord, and promise in future to remember my place."

It wasn't what she wanted to say, but she knew better than to speak her mind. Her contact with Tom had been brief, her report very detailed and, as it now seemed, correct. What had she done wrong?

"I'll see what your future holds," Lord Dragunov said. He stood up and turned towards the other lords. "It isn't too late to change your minds yet."

"The House of Lords has decided," Lord Colborne said firmly. "The boy will come."

"The House will not always be yours," Lord Dragunov said as he stormed off the platform. "The Breeder will wish he was never born," Cindy heard him mutter as he left through another tunnel at the back.

Cindy looked up at the two remaining lords. They were still in relatively good moods, still smoking their pipes. Lord Colborne even had a smile on his face as he looked back at her. "You must be wondering why you were summoned."

He was right. They couldn't have sent for her to first praise and then shout at her, could they? Surely lords had better things to do? Although, according to her father, they didn't.

"You are to bring Thomas Skinner to our world. We have reserved him a seat at the School of Merlin," Lord Colborne said.


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