Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"I wish to purchase this." She waved the quill in front of his eyes, hoping to get his attention.

It worked, sort of. He looked up; his dull eyes bore into hers before he sighed lazily. "And I would like to ride on the back of a dragon," he said before returning to his paper.

She wanted to punch him then for being so rude. He was like her, not rich or powerful. Actually, he was worse than her. He was just a shopkeeper! But she didn't punch him. She gritted her teeth and waited for the anger to pass.

"How much?"

"Gold," he replied without looking up. "Lots of it."

Cindy reached into her cloak pocket and pulled out the pouch of gold dust Lord Colborne had given her. She threw it at him. It bounced off his chest and landed on his lap. His eyes widened as he saw the gold dust inside, and he almost fell off his chair as he jumped to attention.

"I beg your forgiveness, my lady," he said quickly.

He was staring at her anew, fear in his eyes. She almost chuckled out loud. A large part of her wanted to toy with him, to make him sweat.

"I trust that is enough gold?"

"Y-Yes, my lady," he stammered.

"It is a gift for a nephew of mine. I would like it wrapped in something suitable," she said. "And once you have done that, I would like to see the Master of the shop." She smiled cruelly. "He is about?"

The young man's face paled. "T-The M-M-Master of the shop?"

"I wish to exchange words with him," she said curtly.

She didn't really mean to have him reprimanded. It was just a bit of fun on her part. But he did something unexpected. He dropped to his knees and brought his head to the ground near her feet. "Please, my lady," he said. "Please."

It was a good thing his head was down, Cindy thought. It wouldn't have done for him to have seen her jump back in surprise. She decided she had had her fun. All she wanted now was to have her quill and be out of this place.

But what was she supposed to do?


It was a question. But the man was too terrified to realise, and he rose as if commanded. He stood stupidly for a moment before he remembered why he had risen. He rushed behind the counter and pulled out a fine piece of cloth to wrap the quill in.

He brought himself down on one knee and held it out to her.

Cindy took the quill from him and walked out of the shop. She had paid too much for it. There was enough gold in that pouch to pay for at least two such quills. But she couldn't ask for change. Not after he had thought her a lady, not after he had begged at her feet.

It wasn't like she needed the gold anymore. She had what she required. Now she just had to go through with her plan. But that would have to wait. It was time to pay the mysterious little wizard another visit.


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