Chapter XXXI

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This chapter is dedicated to Life_with_Bands


Lol. Im honestly just winging the story right now because I didn't expect that I would actually get this far 😂😂 anyways enjoy.

Plus I didn't edit this or proof read it because I wanted it to be up asap. Im sorry for all the mistakes 🍩


/ t h i r t h y o n e /

I shifted into my wolf as I ran with my guards beside me. Its easier to get to Lalix' house through the woods.

While running I can feel the the soft touches of the grass on my paws which made me daydream on how soft Lalix' hair is, which makes me want to run my fingers through her hair, over and over again.

I shook my thoughts away and focused on running but then I saw this red flower shaped like lips, which reminded me of how her lips looked so red and kissa-


I tripped on a rock.

My guards immediately stopped and I nodded my head at them, signalling that I'm alright.

I stood up and continued running.

'Keep yourself together man.' Im fucking trying but it makes me excited in the inside because I'm going to see her.

Just seeing her beautiful fac-

I tripped again.


Lalix' POV

I tapped my nails on the counter as I sat on a stool.

Why the heck is he taking so long to get here? Maybe he forgot?

Just think of happy thoughts Lalix. Don't pressure yourself. Maybe he's just late, or he hates you.

Think of happy thoughts...

Unicorns, tacos, foods, bed, Ax-

"Knock knock."

I almost fell out of the chair that I was sitting on but I quickly caught myself. Yay me! Axle's not here because he went to the pack house which is not far at all, he'll be coming home soon.

I rushed to the front door and opened it, expecting to see fully dressed men but no.

"What?" I said awkwardly as I covered my eyes with my hands. "Ummm... Do you need clothes?" Of fucking course Lalix. Do you want them to freaking stay naked?

"I'll just get clothes." I said not even waiting for their answers. I still had my eyes covered and I ran into a table which hurt my tummy so bad!

I took off one hand and tried to feel where the furnitures are placed so I wouldn't hurt myself again. I then felt the stairs and I almost tripped but caught myself again.

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