Tattered Black Wings.

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Heyyyyy!!! Thanks for clicking this :D This is just a short story and may be slow at first but give it a chance :D !

(Please excuse the tonnes of mistakes XD I have not editor XD)

Hope you like!

(C) All Rights Reserved To D.S Lemonius.


Chapter One: A Second Chance

I gazed over the edge of the fluffy white cloud I sat on above the London eye and marvelled its strong structure and how it glistened in the light as I waited. He will be here soon. Brandon. My heart pounded against my chest just thinking about him.  

Brandon is so many things, so many wonderful things. He's the quiet type, though when he is comfortable and around people he knows, he is funny athletic and very talkative; he has many friends because of his conversational skills. I was a friend of his in my last life, but we weren’t very close. Brandon has so much determination and compassion...is it a mystery as to why girls tend to like him? I mean, those dreamy brown eyes can make any girl melt and when he flicks his brown hair out of his eyes it's like he make a wind strong enough sweep you off your feet. My heart ached in my chest. I loved how he'd be asked out by one of the prettier girls, but turned them down so nicely that their heart would stay in tact. I wish I could talk to him again.

"You can baby girl, if you want to," said the familiar voice of my grandmother behind me. I turned and saw the smiling little old lady that I loved to death standing on my cloud. Her glorious white wings fluttered in the light breeze and her gown did the same.

"I can't Nana, it's forbidden. We are too different...let alone I'm all the way up here and he is all the way down here. Besides, what would I have to offer?" I said glumly. I did not want to necessarily be with him, I just wanted to...know him more.

My nana frowned at me and came up and sat next to me. "I really wish you didn't put yourself down all the time Ivy," she said.

"But be honest nanna, I was not very popular or confident or even funny before I died, I'll never be that sort of person; the sort of person that people actually like." In my past life I had only a handful of friends.

Nana thought for a moment, then heaved a sigh. "I do not like seeing you so...sad. You miss living-"

"I really don't, I like it up here!" I told her, gesturing to the rest of the sky full of clouds.

"I know you do but every hour of everyday you sit on a cloud and watch the people you loved go about their daily lives. Your eyes scream that you want to be back with them and it's my fault you can't be."

"Nana," I put my hand on her shoulder as a tear rolled down her face. "It was an accident and it was not your fault." I knew how emotional she got now and then when she thought about our accident, and I don't blame her at all. It was fate that we both died, neither of us could change that.

"If I hadn't taken you out that night, then I would have died alone instead of you." I focused on my dangling legs and the crowds below, trying to stop the pain in my chest as she spoke about our death. “It isn’t fair you died, you are only seventeen-you barely lived.”

“I’m honestly fine with death, I like it here.” That was not a complete lie. I loved floating on clouds all day and watching the amazing site below - I could go anywhere in the world but I often stayed close to London, where I grew up. I wish I died when I as older though, I missed being able to look forward to things like, passing my driving test, leaving home and going to university. Sadness would wash over me when I thought about how I did not get to really have the life I wanted but I could not change it now.

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