The Trojan Horse

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Donskoy, Dmitry

5/22/2028, 19:15 Hours

County A262 MK-ULTRA Facility

The Trojan Horse

     The sound of gunshots brings alert to my ears. I stop dead in my tracks and look behind me to see nothing but the kid, who looks scared out of his mind. I'll turn him into a soldier yet. It's too bad he had to get caught up in this mess, but it's too late now. It's everyone's mission now. If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. Thomas Jefferson. A founding father. He said this prior to writing The Declaration Of Independence... The document that used to rule this country's stale democracy. Some of us saw it coming. Like myself. But only few acted. I should've acted sooner; if only I hadn't been so stupid. Maybe he'd still be alive... "Do you think they're shooting the other escapees?". Evan's shrilled voice interrupted my thoughts. Thinking about the past annoyed me anyways. Right now, we needed to get out of here. Soon. "I'd say." I replied, Peering out the cracks of a smashed glass pane. Evan kicked out a flame that was growing on one of the unknown liquids splattered across the tile floor. "We should get moving" I reminded him. We walked down another corridor, there was less fire here. It was more quiet, and dark. "I hate to ask, Rex, but do you actually have a plan?" Evan asked as he fiddled with his gun's magazine. "Of course!" I snapped back. "What do you take me for?" Evan got quiet. I shouldn't have raised my voice, the kid's never seen someone die. He's probably shook. He's young. Maybe twenty-three, twenty-four? I wasn't sure. He had short brown hair, tossed up over his forehead. A bit of an overbite as well. His accent... He was Irish. I was pretty surprised. I could've sworn most of Ireland was wiped out after the fall of the euro and the invasion of the English, in 2019. The fightin' Irish. They put up one hell of a fight, from what I heard in Novosibirsk. My head was throbbing again. A rusted iron door blocked our path. I looked back to see if the kid was still following me, and sure enough, there he was. I patted out the fire on a hallway sign near the door with my hand, and made out what I could; "This the place we're lookin' for?" Evan inquired. "I believe so. It's a garage." I replied. "Here's the plan: First of all, don't go in and fire your gun when you see someone. Do that and we're fucked." Evan nodded, and made a poor attempt to fit the glock pistol into his sweater pocket. "We take out the guards silently if we do it at all. We're trying to get out of here, we'll get revenge on the bastards later. We need to steal a vehicle with tinted windows, then hit the road. Got all that?" Evan nodded again, a bit uneasily this time. It didn't matter; I would be doing most of the work anyways. He could pay me back later, perhaps. I turned to the door again, creaking it open ever so slowly. I turned my head and brought a finger to my lips. Evan nodded in agreement. I crouched and crawled over to the edge of the platform we were on. I risked a look over the rail; military vehicles galore. It was beautiful. I had been worried they would be too damaged, but they seemed in excellent shape from where we were. Besides a few burns on a couple armored cars, which were being treated by two low-ranking officers. I visually scanned the rest of the area. Another pair of men discussed their situation over radios. Me and Evan might be able to take on the four using the element of surprise, but... Does Evan even know how to use a gun? There was no time to ask now. Another option would be to use stealth, it would be more likely to work out in our favor. I held my hand out behind me to motion to Evan to stay where he was. I hope he got the message, I began maneuvering behind the station tower. I peeked in. Empty. I crawled inside and proceeded to check if there was anything I could scavenge. There was a small rifle in the corner of the tower, I debated weather or not I should take it. There was no ammunition for it in the room, so I decided it would be nothing but dead weight. We could gear up for the real fight when we get to our destination. I left the rifle, but brought the pistol ammo and silencers I found in an ammunition box below the desk. I crawled back to Evan and handed him a silencer. He looked confused. I pointed at my gun and screwed it onto the tip. He nodded and did the same. I tapped on the silencer on his gun and brought my finger to my lips once again. It took him a second or two, but I assumed he got the message. I crawled over by the stairs, checked for straggling guards, then began my descent. I motioned for Evan to follow, and he did. When we reached ground-level, I looked over the rain once more. The two guards who had been calming the fire earlier had succeeded, and were heading over to the other two, still on the radio transmitters. We needed to get rid of them before they reached their destination; it would be heard to stealthily kill four guards with radios. We could use the vehicles for cover. I swiftly leaped the railing. Evan went around, fearing he would alarm the guards, I inferred. He took left on the first car as I moved up for right on the second, the guards still blind to our existence. I drew a knife from my carrier, flipping it between my fingers. It always helped me think. I sprinted up between the guards, sly as a snake, striking one above the back of the spine. He gagged and toppled. The other turned quickly, drawing his own blade. Not quick enough; I slashed his throat and he fell to his knees, coughing up blood. I looked back at Evan, he hadn't moved. His face held a horrid grimace at the sight of the victims of my blade. He gulped, then nodded his head in the direction of the guards with the radios, trembling. They were coming this way, I could hear their footsteps on the granite garage floor. I crawled quickly around the side of the armored van I had been taking cover behind. Right before the bodies could come into view, I blasted both guards with my pistol. Noise was still coming from the radios they had been holding, now lying on the floor. I shot one and stepped on the others. "Come on Evan. We've got to go now. Once whoever they were talking to figures out the signal was lost, they're going to get suspicious and head down here. Here, help me hide these bodies in the car before the blood stains the floor." Evan slowly got up from his spot, looking down at the bodies. "Jesus..." He whispered, his hand over his mouth. "I'd hate to have you find out about death first-hand like this, but you gotta do what you gotta do kid." I opened the door to the cargo box built into the car, then started to lift a body. Evan still hadn't said anything. He was fixated on the corpses. I lugged the body into the cargo shaft then shoved the rest of him in. "This is what it's gotta be like from here on, kid." I looked at him. He closed his eyes for a while, took his hand from his mouth and sighed. "Let's get this shit over with" I smiled, then chuckled. "That's the spirit! Now grab this guy's legs." Evan obeyed. When we had finished hiding all of the bodies, I slammed the cargo port closed. I hopped inside the driver's seat, opening the door using the keys I'd taken from one of the guards before stashing him into the box. Evan nervously entered the passenger seat. I started the car and drove out the creaked open part of the giant garage door. Right as we got out, we were nearly blinded. Searchlights flashed like lighthouses, and countless helicopters, vans and cars sped around the night setting. Dead, blindfolded bodies littered areas behind yellow tape. Officers of various ranks patrolled the area. Evan was speechless, his jaw dropped. I sat back in my seat."Take a good look, kid. This is it. Welcome to the new world order."

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