Prologue (Part One): Shane's Story

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[[Shane's POV]]

I can't even count how many times I've woken up, just to wish I could close my eyes. I hated almost everything about the life I was living. My alcoholic, abusive father. My obesity. My school life. Even, my sexuality. I know I shouldn't hate who I am, but how can I not in a world so hateful and judgmental? I do like girls, and find a lot of them gorgeous, just like any other guy... but I also like guys too, and to be honest, I swing a lot more towards guys than I do girls. But coming out was one of the worst mistakes I ever made.

I thought I would feel better, and more accepted, if I told the small group of friends I did have. I was wrong. So, deathly wrong. They began to make my life hell. They called me disgusting, and a fag, and confused. I was confused. Confused as to why it was such a big deal. Before I knew it, though, the whole school knew my secret. Now, that just added an extra thing to be bullied about. Although, it couldn't be much worse than the other things they bullied me about.

One of those things being my alcoholic, abusive father. Every day, before school, I would prepare for a beating, because everyday before I left, he felt the need to give me one. I have no idea why, nor did I ever question it, because it would probably just lead to a worse beating. Of course, his beatings would lead to a ton of bruises on my face, and arms. It always surprised me that the teachers never questioned. But the bullies did. There wasn't much to question, though. It was obvious I was being abused in my own home. So, they would bully me. They would say horrible things, like: “Oh. It must suck to have a father who doesn't even love you!” And it did suck. And that leads me to the last reason I get bullied. My obesity.

I'm obese for one reason, and one reason only. I am an emotional eater. Everything just adds up. The pain adds up, and it causes me to eat. I eat away my feelings. I replace tears, with food. Food is what makes me happy, and makes me feel better. And it's the worst thing it the world, and I hate being this way. I want to change, but I can't truly change until the pain goes away. It wasn't until that fateful day I met him that the pain began to fade away.

The guy who gave me butterflies just looking at him. The guy whose smile just made my heart melt. The guy who would help me through it all.

Joey Graceffa.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2013 ⏰

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